いつも たくさんのご予約、ありがとうございます。
レッスン数 合計 3,270回以上
Japatalkレッスン数 2,270回以上 (2022年2月時点)
Thank you for booking my Japanese classes a lot.
All lessons more than 3,270 times
Japatalk lesson more than 2,270 times (until February, 2022) —————————————————————————————
( Update on October 15th, 2023)
I sometimes open my lesson schedule.
■通常レッスン(フィードバックあり) 690pt
・Plan A
通常レッスン(フィードバックなし) 500pt
・Plan B
履歴書添削、面接対策のレッスン 1000pt
【About Lessons & Book】
■Normal lesson(with my feedback) 690pt
I wrote about this lesson after my introduction.
Book this class
■Special lesson
・Plan A
normal lesson(no feedback) 500pt
Book this class
・Plan B
Resume & Job Interview Lesson 1000pt
Book this class
みなさん、はじめまして。 サリー(Sariy)と呼(よ)んでください。日本人(にほんじん)で、標準語(ひょうじゅんご)を話(はな)します。
ウェブに記事(きじ)を書(か)いたり、日本語(にほんご)のプライベートレッスンを行ったりしています。(オンライン) 以前(いぜん)は、ラジオのリポーターや司会(しかい)、社長秘書(しゃちょうひしょ)など人(ひと)と話(はな)すことの多(おお)い仕事(しごと)をしておりました。日本語(にほんご)のプロである現役(げんえき)のアナウンサーから指導(しどう)を受(う)けていました。
【My introduction】
Hello, everyone!
Please call me Sarīy[Sarii]. I'm a native Japanese speaker. I speak standard Japanese.
I work writing web articles, and having some private Japanese classes (online). I worked as a radio reporter, MC(Master of Ceremony), and a secretary for a president of a company. I took a training speaking formal Japanese from some professional announcers.
I like watching musical show, watching movies(especially action and science fiction movies), traveling, and eating delicious food.
No need to worry if you cannot speak Japanese yet because I teach Japanese to people who do not speak Japanese at all. I can speak English a little. Let's enjoy learning Japanese!
GENKI 1 のテキストは持っています。他のテキストを使う場合は、レッスンの前に勉強したいページをスカイプに送ってください。
【for everyone】
■People who are welcome to take my lessons are:
・people who want to study Japanese hard
・People who want to become good at talking about Japanese
・People who want to know better expressions in a conversation
・People who want to know about Japanese culture
・People who want to have more confidence in a Japanese conversation
・People who want to be corrected during the lesson
■You can do below in a normal lesson
・Free Conversation
We can practice speaking what you want to talk. If you want to practice speaking Japanese a lot, I recommend you this lesson. I can advise your mistakes and better expression in your speaking.
・Theme Talk
We can talk about some themes, for example Japanese culture, the season topics, hobby, traveling, music, food, animal, and so on.
・Discussion a Theme
We can practice saying our opinion about a theme.
・Using Materials
I have GENKI 1 material. If you’d like to use other material, it’s okay. Please send me the page you’d like to learn on Skype before the lesson.
・JLPT Lesson
This is a lesson for JLPT(Japanese-language proficiency test). If you’d like to use some materials, please send me the page you’d like to do on Skype before the lesson. If you don’t have some materials, we can use quiz on web site.
・Reading Books
You can read books in this lesson. Please send me the page you’d like to read on Skype before the lesson.
・Reading Articles
You can read articles in this lesson. Please send me the page or link you’d like to read on Skype before the lesson.
・Using Movies or Lyrics
We can translate and think together about the movie or lyrics you don’t understand.
・Check and Correct your sentences
※I’m sorry I can’t translate all.
・Teacher Sariy was really easygoing and helpful! She has taught me really useful phrases and the summary feedback she has provided was really useful. I'd definitely love to continue having conversational talks with her.
・My daughter really loves her lesson.
・She knows how to give great feedback. I would recommend her!
・Very kind and attentive. Sarly sensei summarizes our discussion and puts together with other supporting content after every class. Very impressed
・素晴らしいレッスン! サリー先生はとても協力的で、いつも役立つメモを提供してくれます!
日 | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
日 | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 |
- カレンダーの上の時間を基準に時刻は表示されています。
タイムゾーンは、プロフィール編集画面で変更できます。 - 時刻は24時間表記です。
- 通常キャンセルはレッスン開始24時間前まで受け付け可能です。