Tomo's profile

Tomo Sensei

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Blood TypeA型
Birthday1979年03月30日(金) age:45
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Food Travel Animals News
English LevelIntermediate
You can bookuntil 5時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


I’ve done over 2000 lessons here on Japatalk! Thanks everyone!!

はじめまして、ともです。日本語の勉強はたのしいですか?むずかしいですか?いっしょに たのしく 日本語を 勉強しましょう!


I completed 420hours training to become a Japanese teacher in 2005, and since then I’ve taught Japanese to students from a lot of countries. I’ve taught in China,Belgium and The Netherlands and now I’m in The Netherlands:)



●I’m sorry,but I don’t offer lessons for kids. (Please be over 18y.o)

みんなの日本語 初級I・II
みんなの日本語 中級I・II
会話に役立つオノマトペ(onomatopoeia 擬声語 擬態語)
まぎらわしい日本語(confusing Japanese expressions)
会話に役立つワンフレーズ(useful one phrase for conversation)


Special lesson 
1.Minnano nihongo Beginner 1,2
2.Minnano nihongo intermediate 1,2
3. Useful Japanese idioms
4.Useful onomatopoeia
5.Confusing Japanese expressions 
6.useful one phrase for conversation 

Sensei's video

Students' comments

    ・Tomo is a fantastic teacher. He politely corrects my mistakes while pointing out more natural ways to express my thoughts. I really enjoy that the classes feel more comfortable and not stiff like a classroom. He always speaks very clearly and will tailor the class to your wishes, such as speaking keigo or more friendly. Overall, I always really enjoy taking his classes.
    ・すごく優しい先生で、授業は楽しくてあっという間に終わりました!いつも話しやすい雰囲気を作ってくださってありがたいです。 Teacher Tomo is such a nice teacher with great patience. He is friendly and speaks at a moderate speed. I had so much fun having a class with him!
    ・Very kind and teaches well.
    ・Good teacher.
    ・Very good lesson
    ・とても良いレッスンでした。 Tomo sensei is very friendly, and carefully plans his lessons. He is encouraging and cheerful, but also an excellent teacher. He makes every minute of the lesson count.
    ・TOMO先生がPDFの資料を作ってくれた。授業中には すごく楽しい会話が出来て いろいろ例文を教えもらって いい勉強になりました。こんごも先生のレッスンを予約します。
    ・He is very good because he can really personalize the lesson according to the student’s goal.
    ・Great teacher and easy to understand.
    ・It’s my first time having my lesson with Tomo sensei. He’s a highly recommended Teacher. I like how gentle he is in class. He listens to the student attentively. I’ll keep taking his class from now on.
    ・He seemed experienced. The time went by quickly. I will definitely take his lessons again.
    ・He is good at teaching and very professional.
    ・Tomo was very polite, professional, and punctual.
    ・Excellent and kind teacher.
    ・He is very kind and professional teacher. My lesson is a freetalk, but Tomo-sensei prepares a lot of vocabulary, situations, and practical grammar that need to be used during the lesson. He does not let any dead time in my lesson.
    ・An excellent teacher!
    ・Great teacher, kind, fun and patient!
    ・Great listener for me and writing notes on Skype

Teacher Tomo's schedule



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    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.