会話に役立つ100の慣用句慣用句〜100 useful basic Japanese idioms 〜


Let’s learn basic Japanese idioms which are useful in daily conversation!

One lesson580pt
You can bookuntil 5時間 before.

Lesson Description

慣用句(かんようく)=Japanese idiom


Do you know what does this sentence mean?

Sashimi runs fast.....? 

No, 「足がはやい」means “spoil quickly”.

Japanese people often use Japanese idioms in daily conversation. In this lesson, let’s learn about basic Japanese idioms called “Kanyouku慣用句”. And let’s try to use them in conversation.

By using “kanyouku”, your Japanese will become more sophisticated:) 

*This lesson is for intermediated /advanced students.


Students' comments


Teacher Tomo's schedule



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Teacher Tomo's other lessons

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まぎらわしい日本語表現を勉強しましょう! *このレッスンはN2(N3)レベルの生徒さんに適しています。(This course will be suitable for the students who have N2(N3)level grammar knowledge)

Teacher Tomo

★中級レベル以上の生徒さんが対象です。 This lesson is suitable for intermediated or advanced students. 会話でよく使う擬声語・擬態語を勉強しましょう。

Teacher Tomo

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Teacher Tomo

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.