英語(えいご)の学習(がくしゅう)を通(とお)して、語学(ごがく)の習得(しゅうとく)のためには、文法(ぶんぽう)や単語(たんご)を覚(おぼ)えることと同(おな)じぐらい、実際(じっさい)に 口(くち)に出(だ)して言葉(ことば)を使(つか)うことが大切(たいせつ) だと気(き)づきました。
日本語(にほんご)も同(おな)じです。一緒(いっしょ)に、たくさん日本語(にほんご)で お話(はな)しをしながら、楽(たの)しく、自然(しぜん)な日本語(にほんご)を学(まな)びましょう!
わたしは、旅行(りょこう)や 食べ物(たべもの)、健康(けんこう)、文化(ぶんか)などのトピック(とぴっく)に興味(きょうみ)があります。会話(かいわ)を通(とお)して、自分(じぶん)が知(し)らないことを学(まな)ぶのも好(す)きなので、みなさんの好(す)きなことや、興味(きょうみ)のあることをぜひ教(おし)えてください!
Hello everyone. I'm Erika.
I’m glad that you’re interested in learning Japanese!
I love traveling to many places, seeing beautiful views, interacting with people, and experiencing new things. So far, I’ve visited 31 prefectures in Japan and 14 countries abroad.
Recently, I stayed in Europe for 2 months, and during my stay, I also studied English. When it comes to learning English, it’s important to study grammar and vocabulary, but I believe that having conversations is just as essential.
Learning Japanese is the same! Let’s study Japanese through fun conversations. I’m interested in topics such as traveling, food, health, culture, and more. I’m also excited to learn new things I don’t know, so feel free to share things you like or are interested in!
I’m looking forward to chatting with you. Thank you!
※Please note※
I do not have a Japanese language teaching qualification. Please understand this before making a reservation.
(I am currently studying Japanese education. I do not have a Japanese language teaching qualification, but I studied education at university and obtained a teaching license. I also have experience working in early childhood education.)
・レッスン(れっすん)では、日本語(にほんご)での会話(かいわ)を中心(ちゅうしん)にしながら、正(ただ)しい文法(ぶんぽう)や自然(しぜん)な言い回し(いいまわし)をお教(おし)えします。日本語(にほんご)での会話(かいわ)を練習(れんしゅう)、上達(じょうたつ)させたい方(かた)にピッタリ(ぴったり)です!もちろん、初(はじ)めは、思(おも)うように話(はな)せなくても大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)!みなさんが日本語(にほんご)で、言(い)いたいことを 教(おし)えてくださいね。
◎About the Lessons◎
・In my lessons, I focus on conversations in Japanese, teaching correct grammar and natural expressions.This is perfect for those who want to practice and improve their Japanese conversation skills. Of course, it’s okay if you can’t speak as you’d like at first! Just let me know what you’d like to say in Japanese.
・I can also help with writing essays and correcting sentences. If you want to write in Japanese or need corrections, feel free to reach out.
・I also offer lessons specifically focused on kanji. Once you learn the tips to memorize kanji, the number of kanji you can remember will increase rapidly, making it more fun. Kanji is one of the most difficult aspects of learning Japanese. Whether you're just starting to study kanji or are already studying, let's learn kanji together and expand your world of Japanese!
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- カレンダーの上の時間を基準に時刻は表示されています。
タイムゾーンは、プロフィール編集画面で変更できます。 - 時刻は24時間表記です。
- 通常キャンセルはレッスン開始24時間前まで受け付け可能です。