
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • for Kids
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Movies Health Sports Cooking Food Travel News
Japanese Conversation Test examiner2nd grade or lower
English LevelIntermediate
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


Thank you for watching my profile. I appreciate that I can connect with you over the Internet. My video is available now.
I updated my schedule until June 28th.
Please don't hesitate♪Let's have fun together♪

こんにちは。 わたし の なまえ は はなこ(華子)です。
( Hello! My name is Hanako.)
In my free time, I am making Japanese materials.


Class ①「短期マスターJLPTドリルN2」を使って試験対策をしよう!おととしのJLPTではN3の試験監督をしました。当日の雰囲気や緊張しないコツもお伝えできます。

■Easy Japaneseを使った
You can focus on Reading, studying Kanji, and Discussion by using “Easy Japanese”.

みなさま からの 「ありがとう」が わたしの はげみに なって います。

these are available.
Class②おかね の かぞえかた (how to count money in Japanese)There's a Japanese way. It was tough for me to count money but now I can do it better than before so you can do it as well!
Class③もの の かぞえかた (how to count objects in Japanese )
Class④きょうかしょ レッスン(textbook lesson)【I have "MINNA NO NIHONGO beginner and intermediate " " SHIGOTO NO NIHONGO for IT engineer" ”NIHONGO FUN AND EASY" UNDERSTANDING JAPANESE DAILY CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH" and "IPPO NIHONGO SANPO for beginners"】
Class⑤めんせつ の れんしゅう(preparing job interview)
Class⑥しょうがくせい の ほしゅう(an extra lesson for elementary school students)
Class⑦マッサージ の にほんご(Japanese language for massage therapist)I have the book which is "KARADA NO CHIZUCHOU with FURIGANA")
Class⑧びょういん に いくとき の にほんご(Japanese language when you see a doctor)
Class⑨せっきゃく の にほんご(Japanese language as a store clerk)
Class⑩フリートーク(free talk)
Class⑪にほん での せいかつ そうだん(life consultation in Japan life)
Class⑫ゆかた の きつけ(how to wear YUKATA※cotton kimono for women)【from July to August】
Class⑬がっこう から の おしらせ(letters from school)
Class⑭かいらんばん(letters from neighbors)
Class⑮はつおん【にほんじん,どもりのきょうせい】(how to cure your stutter)
Class⑯はつおん【がいこくじん】(pronunciation class for non-native Japanese speakers)(I might be able to teach you the Kansai dialect because my mom was born and raised in the western part of Japan)
Class⑰なにか はなしたい(want to talk to me about something, anyway)
Clas⑱ドラマとアニメのセリフ読み(a role-play using Japanese drama and animation on Netflix)※It is also good for improving your stutter problem.
Clas⑲録音レッスン(後ですべてディクテーションしてフィードバックをします(a recorded lesson that I will all correct what you said after the lesson)

わたしは まちの にほんご きょうしつ で せんせい を しています。アフリカたんとう です。( I have been teaching the Japanese language to foreign residents at a city center. I am in charge of African students. )

10ねん いじょう パソコン の せんせい を して います。きもの の せんせい でも あります。おしえる こと は わたし の じょうねつ です。 せいと さん の ゴール の たっせい を おてつだい すること を たのしんで います。8 さい から 85 さい の せいと さん に おしえた こと が あります。
けんちく の かいしゃ と びょういん で はたらいた こと が あります。だから しごと の にほんご も わかります。
※だいがく で インテリア の べんきょう を しました。
( Also, I have been teaching computer skills to older people for more than 10 years. I am a KIMONO teacher as well. Teaching is my passion! I enjoy helping to achieve their goals. I have taught different types of students from 8 years old to 85 years old)(I used to work at a construction company and as a clerk of an orthopedic surgent hospital so I can help you in business Japanese as well.)※I majored in interior design at a university.

おととし、JLPT の しごと を しました。
I  have been to the JLPT test as a proctor.
I thought the listening test was tricky...

パソコン は にがて でした。でも できるよう に なりました。(I was not good at using the computer but I can do it now)

こうこう は えいご の せんこう でした。 えいご は にがて でした。でも すき に なりました。おととし えいけん 2きゅう に うかりました。( My major was English when I was a high school student, I was not good at English at that time but I like English now. I passed the grade 2【A2-B1level】English test which is called EIKEN in 2021)

だから  あなた の きもち が わかります。
So I know how you feel. I know learning a language could be a struggle.

だいじょうぶ! たのしむ だけ です!
It is ok! Just Have fun!


わたしは にほんご(とうきょうアクセント) で はなし ます。
speak Japanese using a Tokyo accent in class)

わたし は すこし えいご を はなします。
(I speak English a little bit)

わたし は ほんやくき を もっています。
( I can deal with 55 Languages using  an AI translation machine which  is POKETALK)

あなた の ひみつ を まもります。(I can keep your secret)

My hobbies are
●studying English(teaches from America, the Philippines, and Brazil)
わたし の しゅみ は えいご の べんきょう です。(せんせい は アメリカ、フィリピン、ブラジル の しゅっしん です)
※スペイン語とポルトガル語の勉強もしています(Entry Level). I have been studying Spanish and Portuguese as well.

●watching football match(premier league,  etc..)

●watching movies(real-life stories, comedy, BTTF, etc...except horror movies)
えいが を みること。

●listening to music(any kind of music)
※J.S.Bach~Sean Paul, quite a gap:)
おんがく を きくこと。

●watching sports(rugby, soccer, NBA, etc...)※I have been to a Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan. ※I was going to work at Olympic Stadium(soccer and basketball) in 2020.

●wearing kimono(I am a certified kimono teacher .)※If you gain weight, It fits you!

●playing the piano( I play J.S.Bach and Queen)

●doing zumba(teacher from America, maybe)
ズンバ を すること。(せんせい は たぶん アメリカ
しゅっしん です)

●reading books(economy, history, geography, architecture, English bible for kids.
ほん を よむ こと。(けいざい、れきし、ちり、けんちく、えいご の こども よう せいしょ)

looking at the architecture(I like KAWAGOE city)
たてもの を みること。かわごえ が すきです。

●taking a public bath (I think Japanese people often go there)
せんとう に いくこと。

●taking sauna
サウナ に はいる こと。
(There is a Japanese way)

●to invest in the stock market and FX

I can some advice on opening a stock account and a foreign exchange account.
●eating sushi
Especially I love salmon.
It is good for beauty!
おすし を たべる こと。
とくに サーモン が すき です。
びよう に いい です。
●eating Ramen
●doing meditation(teacher from India)
めいそう(せんせい は インド の しゅっしん です。
♥おあい できること を たのしみ に しています♥
I am looking forward to seeing you in my class!

I am always here for you, Hanako



    ・She is one of the best teachers I’ve had. The class is very interactive & tailored to an individual need. The differentiator from other teachers is that she does spend time to review the session after finishing it & give out thorough feedback (very useful ones with specifics). Highly recommended. 素晴らしい先生だと思います!
    ・Hanako-sensei is a very good teacher! She will do her best to teach and correct you. She really prepares well for the lesson! She brings a fun and enjoyable lesson! Highly recommend!
    ・Hanako sensei is a very calm teacher. She challenged me to summaries the news which helped make my own sentences and for her to check my reading comprehension. She also wrote down the words I had difficulty reading and she even translate it in English.
    ・Hanako sensei always gives me chance to talk a lot in the class. Before I read the news in the class, she will give me an explanation of the words and grammar that are very important in the article which helps me understand the news better. She is a lovable and great teacher.




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