性格 | さっぱり |
血液型 | A型 |
特徴 | |
可能なレッスン |
Hobby | Books Music Movies Food Travel |
English Level | Upper-intermediate |
講師登録日 | 2019年02月23日(土) |
レッスン予約 | 14時間前まで可 |
In my sense, "reading/writing" and "free talk" are almost completely different in Japanese.
Thanks for over 650 lessons!
Hi, my name is NAO.
Do you feel it is very difficult to communicate in Japanese?
In my sense, "reading/writing" and "free talk" are almost completely different in Japanese.
Also, not many native speakers can teach you how to pronounce correctly.
Let's learn practical expressions used by native Japanese from the early stages with accurate pronunciation and intonation!
The Points of My Lessons
1. Words that Japanese people like to use
2. Difference between formal and casual expressions
3. A unique variation of the expression that makes you think "why?"
4. Tips for learning more native-sounding pronunciation and intonation
1. 日本人が好んで使う単語
2. フォーマルとカジュアルの表現の違い
3. 「なぜ?」と思う表現の独特な変化形
4. よりネイティブに聞こえる発音とイントネーションを習得するコツ
Lesson Example
1. 最初(さいしょ)に、フリートークをします
First, we will have a free talk.
2. その会話(かいわ)の中(なか)で間違(まちが)った表現(ひょうげん)や気(き)になる言(い)い方(かた)を分析(ぶんせき)します。
Then, I analyze incorrect or worrisome expressions in the conversation.
3. そして正(ただ)しい言い方、他(た)の言い方、自然(しぜん)な言い方を教えます。
And I will tell you the correct expressions, other expressions, or natural phrases.
4. もう一度(いちど)同(おな)じ内容(ないよう)の短(みじか)い会話(かいわ)を試(こころ)みます。
Try a short conversation with the same content again.
5. 発音(はつおん)についてもしっかり指摘(してき)します。
Also I will point out your mistakes in pronunciation and guide you.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Let's talk, talk, and talk!
・His teaching style is very practical. After a short conversation, he immediately analyzes where your mistakes are and helps correct them. Highly recommended!
・Nao-sensei was quite thorough in assessing my language skills and adjusting his approach accordingly. One thing about his teaching style that stood out in particular was how he would briefly pause the conversation to point out and explain flaws in my speech patterns, including not only technical errors but unnatural turns of phrase. Since the lesson was free talk, it didn't have a specific structure, but it still felt substantive and challenging. Highly recommended.
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日 | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 |
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