
誕生日1962年08月07日(火) 62歳
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Health Sports Cooking Food Travel News
Japanese Conversation Test examiner2nd grade or lower
English LevelIntermediate Pre-intermediate Beginner
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


たのしく レッスンを しながら
にほんごを どんどん はなせるように なりましょう。

あなたの きぼうに あわせて レッスンをします。
たくさん はなしを しましょう!

テキストを 使いたいときは よういしますのでメッセージに書いてください。



Hello, everyone! I'm Fumi.
Let's enjoy the lesson.
And you will be able to speak Japanese well.

I will take lessons according to your wish.

Let's talk a lot! 

I will provide you if you need a textbook

・ I will introduce myself at the morning assembly!
・ Tomorrow, I will announce the plan of the company team!
・ I wrote a letter to a friend.

I check that the Japanese is written in the proper language and consult with you to improve it.  



I can speak a little English.
I like to talk to foreigners.
I am very interested in the culture of your country.
If you can not speak Japanese at all, I will help you to speak Japanese a little bit.
Let's book my today's
I am looking forward to seeing you.


    ・The teacher was extremely generous of her time. She immediately taught what I wish to learn during this class.
    ・She is a very good teacher! Subarashi desu ne!
    ・Fumi-sensei is very nice, soft-spoken and ready to listen. She helped me not just how to speak the Japanese language but likewise helps me to understand Japanese culture.
    ・She is very considerate and understanding.
    ・I met a lot of Japanese teachers who challenged, cheered, believed in me when I felt like “ahhh..sensei, muzukashi desu ne.” Amongst all of them, she stood tallest among the rest. I would like to give a shout out and extend my heartfelt gratitude to FUMI-sensei whose dedication, patience and passion is par excellence. Sometimes school, degree, and status in life rarely matter. Oftentimes, it’s love that certainly counts the most. Words aren't enough to convey what my heart truly feels. Speechless. Domo arigatougozaimasu.
    ・Thumbs up for a pleasant and informative conversation!




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  • マークは予約よやくできます。予約するときはマークをクリックしてください。
  • カレンダーの上の時間を基準に時刻は表示されています。
  • 時刻は24時間表記です。
  • 通常キャンセルはレッスン開始24時間前まで受け付け可能です。

