Fiona's profile

Fiona Sensei

Points you need


Blood Type不明
Birthday1992年09月06日(日) age:32
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Health Sports Food Travel News
English LevelUpper-intermediate
You can bookuntil 3時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


Hi everyone, my name is Fiona. I worked as a reporter at a TV station for several years, and later earned a master's degree in journalism at a graduate school. I am working as an independent journalist in Japan and studying English to study for a Ph.D. degree at a graduate school abroad. Because I know the joys and difficulties of learning a second language, I would like to help everyone who is learning Japanese.

【お知らせ Notice】
My lesson point will be 590p from September 2023. Thank you for your understanding. Please feel free to send me a message via Skype even if it is not reflected in the schedule, as I may still be available!

【私の強み】My Strengths
My strengths are business Japanese, academic Japanese, correct Japanese used even on TV, and discussions on news topics. I will send you feedback after every lesson. This is recommended for those who want to review. In addition, I can teach a wide range of Japanese that can be used in various situations such as writing articles, job hunting, dissertation writing, and free talk. I would like to support your Japanese learning as much as possible. Please feel free to join my class!

①ビジネス会話やビジネスメール Business conversation, mai and document 
This course is for those who want to improve their communication in Japanese for work! Have you ever had trouble speaking, e-mailing, or writing documents in Japanese? Please let me know what specific situations you would like to know the Japanese used in and what your problems are. I will have a conversation with you and teach you how to write business conversations and e-mails.

②ニュース News
Knowledge of the news is necessary in the business world. Study Japanese while learning what is happening in Japan and the world today! In the lesson, the article is first read aloud. Learn pronunciation and intonation, as well as new vocabulary and expressions. You will be asked if you understand the content and what you think about the news, and you will practice giving your opinion. There are no mistakes in your answers. Please speak freely without fear of making mistakes. I recommend this lesson so that you can learn the news while learning Japanese!

③文章添削 Text correction ★アカデミックな日本語を学びたい方にもおすすめ!★Recommended for those who want to learn academic Japanese!
A working journalist will correct your emails, resumes, reports, and various other writings. Please send me your text as a Word file via Skype at least one day before the lesson, and I will correct it with questions and explanations. If you have more than 400 words, please add one lesson point for every 400 words. (1~400 characters...1 lesson, 401~800 characters...2 lessons, 801~1200 characters...3 lessons) Also, even if you exceed 400 characters, I will only give you one lesson of real-time explanation & correction. After the lesson, I will return the corrected data file.

④フリートーク Free talk
Try to actively use the new words and phrases you have learned to challenge yourself in conversation! Even if you learn words and vocabulary, you will not learn them unless you output them. Making mistakes is nothing to be ashamed of, so let's enjoy conversation together. Talk topics can be anything! Please tell me anything you want, whether you want to ask a lot of questions or be asked questions. Also, please let me know your preferences, whether you want me to point out your mistakes or not, or whether you want to speak a lot of Japanese at once because you don't mind making a few mistakes. I look forward to our time together!

⑤シャドーイング Shadowing
Shadowing is a great way to learn sentences you want to speak or songs you want to memorize. You can practice natural Japanese by imitating my pronunciation and intonation over and over again. This is an effective practice to improve both your listening and speaking skills. The advantage of shadowing the instructor's words in real-time, rather than on a sound recording, is that you can receive instruction in areas such as those that are difficult to pronounce.

⑥写真描写 Photographic depiction
Please explain the prepared pictures using Japanese. In the lesson, after listening to your explanation carefully, I will tell you the grammatical mistakes and more appropriate Japanese. First, challenge yourself to take as long as you can to explain!

⑦作文 Writing
Let's make sentences in Japanese during the lesson. I will give you subjects on various themes, so challenge yourself to see how many sentences you can write in a short time as quickly as possible! Whenever possible, I will correct your writing during the lesson and return it to you.

I am not a qualified Japanese language instructor. Please make a reservation only if you understand the situation. If you have a text you would like to use, please send me a picture of the relevant page in advance. I look forward to meeting you all!

Teacher Fiona's schedule



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  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.