Haruka's profile
Personality | 明るい |
Blood Type | A型 |
Birthday | 1989年08月20日(日) age:35 |
特徴 | |
可能なレッスン |
Hobby | Books Movies TV Health |
Japanese Conversation Test examiner | Expert 1st grade 2nd grade or lower |
English Level | Advanced |
Registration | 2023年07月26日(水) |
You can book | until 30分 before the lesson |
Thank you for visiting my profile
★Self-introduction (Jikoshokai)
Hello everyone! My name is Haruka (^^♪).
I was born and raised in Saitama (which is the city next to Tokyo) and have been working in Tokyo. I am Japanese and speak standard Japanese (Hyojungo).
I worked as a salesperson in a Japanese company for 4 years and as a secretary to a professor at a national university for another 4 years.
Therefore, I have sufficient knowledge of business Japanese conversation.
I can also help and advise on business emails, business letters, resume writing and job interviews in Japanese.
Also, I am also a mother of two children. So I can teach Japanese conversation for school and Japanese parenting situation in Japan.
Please come to my class and enjoy talking and getting used to using Japanese.
If you have any difficulties or questions, let's work together to solve them.
I look forward to talking with you.
★ Some possible lessons and topics
- Let's study using textbooks such as:
- Minna no Nihongo
- Nihongo Sou Matome N1-N5
- Irodori, etc. - Reading newspaper, magazine articles
- Interview practice for job, college, etc.
- Business conversation and useful phrases at work
- Corrections to CVs, application materials, and meeting materials
- Group lessons with your friends
- Japanese used in child-rearing (baby language, Japanese used in school and kindergarten procedures)
★ Recommended for people like this
- People who want to make Japanese friends
- People who want to travel to or live in Japan
- People who want to understand Japanese songs, lyrics, and movies
- People who want to work with Japanese or in Japan
- People who are interested in Japanese culture
- People want to raise children in Japan
- People who have moved to Japan for family's job but are not sure if they will be able to adjust to the Japanese environment.
★ About my lessons
- Basically, we will use Japanese. I will follow up using English only when necessary.
- If you have materials or documents you would like to use (e.g., documents you would like me to correct your Japanese), please send them to me in advance.
★ オススメのレッスントピック
- 教科書(きょうかしょ)を使って勉強(べんきょう)しよう
・みんなの日本語(Minna no Nihongo)
・いろどり など - 新聞(しんぶん)や雑誌(ざっし)を一緒(いっしょ)に読(よ)んでみよう
- 就職(しゅうしょく)、進学(しんがく)のための面接練習(めんせつれんしゅう)
- ビジネス会話(かいわ)、仕事(しごと)で使(つか)えるフレーズ
- 履歴書(りれきしょ)、応募書類(おうぼしりょう)、会議資料(かいぎしりょう)の添削(てんさく)
- 友達(ともだち)と一緒(いっしょ)にグループレッスン
- 子育て(こそだて)で使(つか)う日本語(にほんご)例(れい):赤(あか)ちゃん言葉(ことば)学校(がっこう)・幼稚園(ようちえん)の手続き(てつづき)で使(つか)う日本語(にほんご)など
★ こんな人におすすめ
- 日本人(にほんじん)の友達(ともだち)を作(つく)りたい人(ひと)
- 日本(にほん)へ旅行(りょこう)したい、日本(にほん)に住(す)みたい人(ひと)
- 日本(にほん)の歌(うた)や歌詞(かし)、映画(えいが)を理解(りかい)したい人(ひと)
- 日本人(にほんじん)と一緒(いっしょ)に日本(にほん)で働(はたら)きたい人(ひと)
- 日本(にほん)の文化(ぶんか)に興味(きょうみ)がある人(ひと)
- 日本(にほん)で子育て(こそだて)をしたい人(ひと)
- 家族(かぞく)の仕事(しごと)の都合(つごう)で日本(にほん)に来(き)たが、日本(にほん)の環境(かんきょう)に馴染める(なじめる)か不安(ふあん)な人(ひと)。
★ レッスンについて
- 基本的(きほんてき)には日本語(にほんご)を使(つか)います。必要(ひつよう)な時(とき)だけ英語(えいご)でフォローします。
- 使用(しよう)したい教材(きょうざい)や資料(しりょう)がありましたら、事前(じぜん)に送(おく)ってください。 例(れい):使(つか)っている日本語(にほんご)の教科書(きょうかしょ)、日本語(にほんご)を添削(てんさく)してほしい資料(しりょう)など)
★ スペシャルレッスンは下記から予約できます!
Sensei's video
Students' comments
・very nice teacher!!!
・professional teacher to change es !!
・sensei give me lots of advice about interview
Teacher Haruka's schedule
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
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