Ako's profile

Ako Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeO型
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Movies Health Travel
English LevelIntermediate
You can bookuntil 2時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



Hello, everyone! I'm Ako.

すばらしい生徒(せいと)さんたちとレッスンできてほんとうにうれしいです( ´∀`)ありがとうございます!!


わたしの クラスに きてくださり本当(ほんとう)にありがとうございます!

Thank you very much for coming to my class!

わたしの レッスンでは 初心者(しょしんしゃ)のかたでも わかるように ていねいに せつめい します(*゚∀゚*)

Cheerful and warm class with detailed explanations that even beginners can understand.

にほんごを話(はな)すきかいがほしいひと 自信(じしん)がなくても大歓迎(だいかんげい)です!

People who want the opportunity to speak Japanese! You are welcome even if you are not confident


You can talk as many times as you like until the student is convinced.


I was a clinical psychologist before, I can correct mistakes politely and listen receptively and kindly.


I am currently taking English online lessons myself every day.

なのであなたの 気持(きも)ちが 分(わ)かり 学(まな)ぶことの 楽(たの)しさも分(わ)かるので、いっしょに楽(たの)しくがんばりましょう♪

But that's why I understand the feelings of the students and the joy of learning, so let's do our best while having fun together♪

まちがいを おそれずに はなしてください( ´ ▽ ` )

Don’t be afraid of mistake.


☆About my class (*゚∀゚*)


もし間違え(まちがえ)ている日本語(にほんご)表現があれば、すぐにSkype chat-box に、正確(せいかく)な日本語(にほんご)に直(なお)します。






I would be happy if you could tell me more about you. My lessons will help you learn natural Japanese expressions.

If there is an incorrect Japanese expression, I will immediately correct it to the correct Japanese via Skype chat-box.

So you can come back to it later. I think it's very important to review what you did wrong by looking back.

Please don't be shy to speak so that you can speak with natural expressions♪

Tell us what kind of lesson you would like to have, please. And whatever it is, it will improve your Japanese skills.

Also, if you don't want me to correct too much, you can tell me that, so I can concentrate on listening without stopping the conversation.

As a former counselor, I am also good at listening receptively.



♪What I can do for you♪

  1. 日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)Free conversation!!
  2. 写真描写(しゃしんびょうしゃ)  Let's describe a picture in Japanese.
  3. 敬語表現(けいごひょうげん)I can help you with your honorific expressions.​
  4. 本読み(ほんよみ)I have a erementary scool textbook(1〜4grage!) It's good to remember words and how to make sentences .I can send you the textbook.(←人気♪♪日本ん文化も学べます(*゚∀゚*))
  5. 日本語で日記を書いてみよう(にほんごでにっきをかいてみよう)Let's try writing your dialy in Japanese! I'll cheack your grammer.
Basicaally I teach you in Japanese but if you do not understand japanese, I can teach you using English although it is not perfect.


Offer lessons at an affordable price!







*Since I have little experience as a Japanese teacher, 390 points is OK for any lesson.(except for special lessons)

*I do not have a Japanese language instructor qualification. Please book a lesson only if you understand(
I want to get certified as a Japanese teacher someday! )

*Applies to adults only sorry!

*However I have a lot of experience as a tutor in Japan and I am confident in teaching kindly.



⭕️プリザーブドフラワー講師資格(Flower education Japanの認定資格(にんていしかく)です)


⭕️ Nursery teacher qualification
⭕️ Former clinical psychologist
⭕️Eiken Level 2
⭕️j-shine (Qualified to teach English to children)
⭕️ Preserved flower teacher qualification (certified by Flower education Japan)
▲I am currently studying for the Japanese language instructor qualification and will be taking the exam next year!

【わたしに ついて】My introduce








誰(だれ)でも自分(じぶん)の話(はなし)を親身(しんみ)になって聞(き)いてくれる存在(そんざい)がいるって嬉(うれ)しいですよね( ´∀`)わたしがその人(その)になれると思います。


I live with my husband and son(10years old) in Japan.

My hobbies are English conversation and flower arrangement, I learn English conversation online from a Filipino teacher on weekdays, and sometimes I sell arrangements on the app.

I also like traveling and watching movies, so I think I have many hobbies.

I have also lived in Canada for a year and three months on a working holiday and loves talking to foreigners.

I have experience as a school counselor in junior high school and have counseled parents, students and teachers.

Also, I have a lot of experience as a tutor for junior high school students for about 10 years since I was a student, so I think I can make use of my skills and enjoy studying together.

We are glad that there is someone who listens to our story with empathy. I think I can be that person.

I am lookig forward to seeing  you. Thank you!

Sensei's video

Students' comments

    Ako sensei gave me a lot of recommendation on how to improve my Japanese skills. She is really thoughtful and a kind teacher.

Teacher Ako's schedule



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  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.