ひとみ's profile

ひとみ Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeA型
Birthday1986年07月17日(木) age:38
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • for Kids
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks TV Health Cooking Outdoors Food Animals News
Japanese Conversation Test examiner2nd grade or lower
English LevelUpper-intermediate Intermediate
You can bookuntil 1時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


はじめまして!ひとみ です。
♡o。+..:*敬語やビジネス日本語(Formal&Business Japanese)*:..+。o♡ が得意です!気軽に相談してください。子育てトークもよろこんで!東京出身で、今は中国湖南省に住んでいます。丁寧優雅日本語(polite and elegant Japanese)を身につけましょう!
Hi! My name is Hitomi and I'm originally from Tokyo, in Japan.  I moved to China in October 2019.

ビジネス日本語会話、就職活動 気軽に相談してください


I am a financial analyst for over 10 years with Japanese commercial bank, asset management company, and credit rating agency.  I'm confidenct that I can contribute to your ”Business Japanese ””Keigo” learning.



■■Review of your Presentation or Email 日本語の文を直しますよ! 我可以帮你修改你写的日文■■
If you need help with your short presentation.  Or if you need help writing your email or letter in Japanese. I am here to help.  I can help you write and/or review the text of the presentation, email or letter.  I can also listen to you give your presentation and provide you feedback.

■■basic vocabulary in polite way 基本の丁寧語を15個覚えよう■■

こっち➾こちら(here)、いま➾ただいま(now)、さようなら➾失礼いたします(good bye) etc...

■■Practicing by Role playing 場面別の練習をしましょう ■■
We can practice dialogs below.
あいさつ(Greetings)、呼称(how to call)、電話と伝言(Telephoning)、指示と依頼(Requests and Instructions)、謝罪と弁明(Responding to Complaints)、相談とアドバイス(Asking advice)、意見と申し出(Agreeing /Disagreeing)、受付での対応(Appointment)、催促と抗議(Complaints)、ビジネス敬語(Business formal phrases) etc...

■■Japanese Conversation(Free talk) 自由に話そう 不限话题用日语进行交流■■
We can talk about anything that you would like to discuss. Any question will be welcomed! If you have no topic then I can help you select one.
The focus is to make you more confident with speaking Japanese. I will correct your pronunciation and guide you into forming sentences in proper Japanese.

日本語レッスン for 子供 専用レッスン 500円でお受けしております現在停止中です


 I have one daughter - in KG Nursery school. I teach her classmates and G1to G2 friends Japanese at the international school. I know how to get a kids attention during the class.

■■Japanese For Children – 3 to 7 years old 日本語を楽しもう■■
Easy vocabularies and phrases for children.
Colours, fruit, numbers, parts of the body, shapes, farm animals, our world, weather, days of the week, months of the year, morning routines, pets and possessions etc.
Students will learn Japanese through songs, games, actions, dancing, role-play, storytelling and other fun activities!

■■Japanese For Children – 8 years old above 日本語でおしゃべりしよう■■
This lesson will help children learn how to speak in Japanese by practicing.
Questions beginning with the following words may be asked during the lesson:
Who - What - When - Where - Why – How
- How many - How much - Do you/they -
Does she/he - Are you/they/we - Is she/your...

■■Japanese for Mom and Dad (Useful words and phrases for childcare)
This lesson will help parents how to speak in Japanese at the daily childcare.

Materials are provided by the teacher unless you want to use your own material.

*I speak English at a level good enough to survive. 

Students' comments


Teacher ひとみ's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.