あきお's profile

あきお Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeO型
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • Business
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Movies Animals
Japanese Conversation Test examiner1st grade
English LevelAdvanced
You can bookuntil 6時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



Hi, I am Akio-sensei.  Let me introduce myself.
・I am a dedicated, gentle and professional Japanese teacher with extensive global business and life experience.
・I became Japanese teacher because I wanted to introduce the Japanese culture and thinking style through  my Japanese lesson from my experience of  fun and difficulty on the cross-cultural communication during my living in the US and Germany on business. 
・My hobby is enjoying movie and playing Mahjong.

【レッスンコース】Lesson Course
①「上級(N2-N1)日本語」 Advanced to N2/N1 Japanese 
Intermediate and advanced level up lesson for Japanese learner who wants to get better.  Focused lesson to address your weakness and what you want to more advance. Useful for JLPT/EJU score up.

②「クールジャパントーク」Cool Japan Talks
Conversation lesson for Japanese learner who wants to know Japan more. Let's have fun of chatting and learning the Japanese culture, customs, foods, event etc. 

③「ビジネス日本語」Practical Business Japanese

Practical Business Japanese lesson to learn the Japanese business culture and style behind as well.

④「EJU試験対策の生物」Biology for EJU Test

EJU score up lesson for Biology with easy-to-understand materials and many practice of past questions

【私のレッスンスタイル】My lesson Style

・Indivisually customized lesson to meet interest and goal of each Japanese learner
・Visually easy-to-understand lesson with a lot of picture and illustration in Power Point slide
・Introduction of Japanese culture, custom and thinking style related to lesson topic as much as possible 
・Basically use Japanese as my lesson language, but if and when necessary, can explain in English


Students' comments

    The material was very interesting.

Teacher あきお's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.