りお's profile

りお Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeA型
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • JLPT
  • for Kids
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Cooking Animals
English LevelUpper-intermediate
You can bookuntil 24時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.




☆  日本語を教える資格(しかく)を持っています。

☆ たくさんの外国人といっしょに仕事(しごと)をしてきました。   

☆ 日本語学校で教えていました。  

☆ ボランティアの教室で11年間教えてきました。


☆ 外国にルーツを持つ小学生・中学生を教えています。  

<<About me>>
Hello, my name is Rio! I live in Nara, Japan, with my husband, daughter, and a cat. My hobbies are singing in chorus, listening to music, and reading books.

I have lived in Russia around twenty years ago. In those days, I had amazing home teachers for individual /group lessons of Russian language. They were so reliable, smart, and more than anything always good friends. That's why I, myself, have become a Japanese language teacher for non-native speakers. Last ten years, I have taught Japanese at a volunteer class as well as Japanese language schools and met a lot of interesting and attractive students. I hope I will meet lots of wonderful students through JapaTalk online course as well!
** Certificates for teaching Japanese; **
     * Completed official Japanese teacher training course of 420 hours

     * Passed the Japanese language teaching competency test

** Lots of experience working with non-Japanese speakers **
 Until working as Japanese teacher, I had worked as professional translator, interpreter, or bilingual assistant using English. With the plenty of experience bridging Japanese and non-Japanese, I know how to speak Japanese in order to make non-Japanese understood.

** Teaching at Japanese language school in Japan**
 I have taught Japanese to students from abroad, who aim to enter university or college in Japan for three years. 
** Eleven years experience of teaching at a local community center **
I have taught Japanese to a wide variety of students, from housewives, university students, to entrepreneur from a variety of countries at a local community center. 

** Teaching experience to elementary / junior high kids from abroad ** 

 I teach basic Japanese and give instructions on school life in Japan. Also, I have private lessons on school subjects for non-native junior high students.


~*~ レッスンプログラム ~*~

1. フリートーク                                    1000P
2. ワンポイント文法レッスン                   1200P[R1] 
3. 「大地(だいち)」で勉強(べんきょう)する
4. JLPT の勉強                                         1000P
5. 小・中学生の勉強                                    800P
6. 小・中学生のおかあさんに                        800P

 [R1]January 3rd,2023 updated

<1. フリートーク>

  • 学校で勉強した日本語を使って、日本人と話してみたい
  • 日本語を話してみたいのに、まわりに自分の国のことばや英語を話せる人がたくさんいて、なかなか話すチャンスがない

<2. ワンポイント文法レッスン>


<3. 「大地(だいち)」で勉強(べんきょう)する初級日本語(しょきゅうにほんご)>


<4. JLPT>

  • JLPTを受験する予定だが、一人では計画的に勉強が進められない


  • 毎回のレッスンで、あなたが1週間勉強したことをチェックし、苦手なところを説明します
  • 1回目のレッスンでは
  • ・レベルをチェックします
  • ・勉強のスケジュールを話し合って決めます
  • ・1週間に1度
  • ・1科目1コマでお願いします

<5. 小・中学生の勉強>
  • 日本の小学校か中学校に通(かよ)っている
  • 自分も親(おや)は日本語がじょうずじゃない
 ⇒学校の宿題(しゅくだい)を いっしょに しましょう。
 ⇒学校の教科書(きょうかしょ)を いっしょに よみましょう。
  ** This course is available only for English speakers

<6. 小・中学生のおかあさんに>
  • 子どもが日本の学校に通(かよ)っている
  • 家族(かぞく)に日本語がよくわかる人がいない
 ⇒学校からのお手紙(てがみ)を いっしょに しましょう。
 ⇒学校のことで、よくわからないことを せつめいします。
  ** This course is available only for English speakers

<<About my lesson>>

~*~ Programs and the required points ~*~
I offer you programs listed below. If you cannot find appropriate one you want, please let me know. We can discuss and design your own program.
1. Free conversation                  1000P
2. Sentence pattern practice       1200P
[R1] 3. Beginner’s course with “大地(だいち)”      1000P
4. JLPT                                    1000P
5. For school kids                       800P
6. For school kid’s moms             800P
 [R1]June 30th, update

<1. Free conversation>
 If you want to …
  • Speak Japanese with a native Japanese speaker, using Japanese you studied at school
  • Speak Japanese, but cannot find a chance to do so because you are surrounded by people who speak your mother language or English
 Choose me!
 ⇒We can talk over a topic we decided when you made a reservation
 ⇒I can give you tips to express yourself with natural Japanese
<2. Sentence Pattern Practice>
 If you want to …
  • Study one particular sentence pattern, which you cannot use smoothly
 Choose me!
 ⇒Let’s study one sentence pattern, which is difficult for you to understand and use. You can practice using Power Point Slides with lots of illustration. Please let me know which sentence pattern you want to study when you book a lesson.

<3. Beginner’s course with “大地(だいち)”>
 If you want to …
  • Study Japanese grammar from level 0
  • Express yourself more freely even though you are already able to speak minimum Japanese for living in Japan
 Choose me!
 ⇒You can study grammar using textbooks named “Daichi.”
  • To complete the course with Daichi, you need 120 – 160 lessons
  • Please be aware that the first lesson includes only;
    • Level check
    • Sample lesson
    • Schedule confirmation
<4. Preparing for JLPT>
 If you plan to take JLPT, but feel difficult to make an appropriate study schedule, or to study following your schedule,
 Choose me!
 ⇒I can support your preparation using the material you choose. In each lesson, I will check what you have studied in the previous week, and give some tips.
    Please be aware that the first lesson includes only;
  • Checking your level
  • Discussing / deciding our schedule
  •    For this program, the points listed below are highly recommended;
    • -To take lessons once a week
    • -To take one lesson for one subject*
*vocabulary, Kanji, grammar, or reading comprehension

<5. For school kids>
 If you are …

  • a student of Japanese elementary /junior high school
  • a kid of non-native Japanese speaker

Choose me!
⇒Let's do your school homework with me
⇒Let's read your school textbook
** This course is available only for English speakers

<6. For school kids moms>
 If you have …

  • kids, going to Japanese elementary junior high school
  • nobody who understands Japanese very well in your family

 Choose me!

 ⇒ I can read school materials with you
 ⇒ I can give you advice on what makes you confusing 
** This course is available only for English speakers


Students' comments

    ・The teacher was really interested in setting a course of study that fits my needs. I really appreciate her efforts!

Teacher りお's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.