Yayoi's profile

Yayoi Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeO型
Birthday1989年09月17日(日) age:35
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Movies Health Sports Outdoors Food Travel News
English LevelAdvanced
You can bookuntil 24時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


はじめまして、Yayoiです:) (English Following)

*About Me




大学(だいがく)・大学院(だいがくいん)では国際関係論(こくさいかんけいろん:International Relations)をべんきょうしたので、ニュース等を教材(きょうざい)にしたレッスンにも対応(たいおう)しています。

*My lesson











*Japanese for Beginners
Basic all-inclusive lesson for beginner!
You can learn basic Japanese with support of English :)
Please check following URL if you are interested in this lesson!




Hi, I am Yayoi!
I live in Yokosuka, Kanagawa. Thank you for watching my profile.

*About me
I completed a Japanese tutor course (420hours) in 2020, and started to teach Japanese!
I also have learned English and French for a long time. 
When I studied abroad for a short time, I faced difficulties in expressing my ideas in a foreign language and sometimes felt lonely because I was not able to join the conversation.
However, I believe we can acquire a foreign language as long as you really "WANT TO SPEAK AND COMMUNICATE WITH FOREIGNERS":)
Then, I think I really would like to support people to learn Japanese as a second language.
That's why I am here!

I like traveling around the world, watching movies, and doing exercise(My favorites are Yoga, Jogging, and Swimming:)

When I was at University, I studied International Relations like International politics, diplomacy, security studies, and so on.
So I can provide lessons with news articles which you like.

*About my lesson
The most important thing in my lesson is "Have a lesson which you want".
I listen to your idea, the goal of Japanese learning, and desire, then I will support you in learning Japanese:)
For example...
●"I want to have a conversation with Japanese"=We can have conversation lesson and I can give some advice to your Japanese.
●"I want to practice pronunciation"= I can support you to speak Japanese very fluently.
(And teach how you can speak like native Japanese)
●"I am a beginner at learning Japanese"= No worries because I am a rookie tutor too!
●"I want to use a news article in Japanese and discuss about it."= I can prepare some news articles which you may like and some questions to ask you in Japanese. You can improve your skills to express your ideas in Japanese.

For example...

*Reading out/Pronunciation Lesson
I can provide Reading/Pronunciation lessons.
I plan to use books, articles, etc., which students are interested in.
(We can use articles that students have or ask)
I'm gonna support you to practice speaking like native Japanese speakers naturally.

If students don't have any articles or books,,,
I prepare some conversation materials based on specific situations.
I choose useful phrases and words for daily life, travel work etc.

*Japanese lesson with news articles
We learn keywords and grammar, and practice reading Japanese.
Then, we discuss the article in Japanese.
I support you in expressing your ideas appropriately in Japanese!
Don't worry if you are not good at expressing your ideas in Japanese.
I will help and give you feedback on the details.

※We use original material based on NHK news articles if you don't mind.
※As I mentioned, I studied International Relations at University and grad course. If you are interested in politics, diplomacy, and International affairs, let's discuss that in Japanese!

*Free Conversation
If you just want to talk in Japanese, YES! LET'S TALK!
Although we can have any conversation, I am going to give some advice about words, phrases, grammar, and pronunciation during our conversation.
※If you want to enjoy and focus on conversations, I will give you feedback after the lesson!

*Japanese job interview lesson
If you have a plan to work in a Japanese company, I recommend you to take this lesson!
We have a mock Japanese job interview lesson.
Since I have experience taking some job interviews for public officers and private companies, I will be able to give some advice to you.
※I give advice only related to Japanese grammar, phrases, and pronunciation. 


*Japanese Essay Corrected Lesson
Do you study writing Japanese alone?
No, let me know! I can support you!
If you need help correcting your Japanese essay or something, I have your essay, etc corrected.
Before our lesson, please send your draft. I correct that and give you advice and feedback on lesson day!
※You can tell me how we proceed with this lesson. I can provide a comfortable lesson for you.

I would like to support you and have comfortable lesson time with you!
So don't hesitate to ask me anytime, anything about Japanese and our lessons.
I look forward to sharing an interesting time with you!


Students' comments

    ・Sarah Sensei speaks very clearly with proper speed. The notes are comprehesive. It is a pleasure to attend the lesson.
    ・Thank you for your lesson! :D
    ・We read an article together where Sarah corrected my pronunciation, checked my understanding, asked me a lot of questions around the topic and provided a lot of useful vocabulary. She also provided feedback after the class. Thank you Sarah! <3
    ・She took the time to read the news article I wanted to talk about and prepared many questions around the subject, thank you! :D
    ・Amazing teacher!
    ・Sensei goes out of her way to accommodate the lessons and challenge me, thank you !
    ・Yayoi-sensei was quite genial and pleasant, and we had a very enjoyable conversation.

Teacher Yayoi's schedule



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    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
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Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.