あこ's profile

あこ Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeB型
Birthday1994年10月01日(土) age:30
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Health Cooking Food Travel Animals
English LevelIntermediate Pre-intermediate Beginner
You can bookuntil 1時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


< This is what you can expect in my lessons > Japanese is below.  

  • I type wards or sentences which you learned or missed while we do lessons on Skype.

  • I message you feedback after the lesson. 

    (You can read more about it in the text below.)

★ I changed my Skype name. Don’t choose the old one please. 

< 私のレッスンの特徴 >

  • あなたがレッスンのときに、間違(まちが)えたり、新(あたら)しく覚(おぼ)えた言葉(ことば)や文章(ぶんしょう)を話(はな)しながらチャットで送(おく)ります。

  • レッスンの後(あと)に、あなたとの会話(かいわ)がどうだったかをJapatalkのメッセージで送ります。


★ Skype名が変(か)わりました。以前(いぜん)のものと間違(まちが)えないようにお願(ねが)いします。

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

My name is Ako !!   (Japanese is below.)

I’m Japanese born and bred. I'm from Hokkaido in the north.

After I graduated from university I worked as a registered dietitian in Osaka and then I moved to Kagawa, the udon capital of the world, so I know city life and countryside life!!  Both are great! 

Now I’m living in US.

I lived in New Zealand for two and a half years in total. During that time I have taught Japanese at the Japanese Embassy in New Zealand.

I think that an effective way to learn Japanese is to speak, listen and get used to it with a native speaker! Feel free to chat with me!

What I am good at and what I pay attention to when teaching Japanese.

When I was a registered dietitian, I would listen to people all the time. I had to work with them to find the things that they could do to become more healthy. So I’m quite good at listening carefully and following your pace.

 I have joined many Japanese classes and language exchange events(Mundo Lingo). So I am used to listening to non-native Japanese. I’m also good at guessing what you want to say.

I’m currently living with a New Zealander and an Australian. Living with people from different cultures can be interesting! If you are living with any Japanese people I would love to hear about it!

 Perhaps you are thinking about working or studying in Japan. 
I studied abroad in New Zealand, so I know the kind of situations you might face.


At the beginning of the lesson, tell me (1) your name and (2) what you want to do in the lesson. 

  • We can talk about whatever you like. You can ask me about anything you want to know about Japan or Japanese languages.

  • If you speak in unnatural sentences or pronunciations, I will tell you how to say it more naturally. If you don't like it, please let me know.

  • We can choose a topic to talk about. (I will send you the 'topic options' via chat if you tell me.)

  • You can use any textbooks you’d like to use. (Just let me know before the lesson because I don't have any.)

  • I can listen to your worries and troubles.

  • You can have tea or lunch or snack while the lesson. (Do not take lessons while driving.) 

  • You can read Japanese news together.

  • You can practise describing pictures and drawings.

We can talk about your favourite things, current events, and more! We can even sing together if you like! Learning Japanese doesn’t have to be boring!

 I do not provide detailed explanations of grammar or study for exams such as the JLPT.

★ I know studying a new language is hard. So I’ll follow your pace. 

Immersion is important when learning a language, so we will try to speak as little English as possible. Don't be afraid; you can do it!


These are a few of my favourite things♪

  • Musicals

   Wicked is my favourite! I've seen about 15 musicals.

  • Cooking

        I love cooking, so let me know your favourite recipes. 

  • Sweets

        I especially like anything with chocolate! 

  • Singing

        I like singing and listening to music from all over the world.

  • Traveling

        I’ve been to almost half of the 47 different prefectures of Japan!

  • Exercise

        I like to keep a little bit fit.





こんにちは! あこ です。



友達(ともだち)と話すように、私と気軽(きがる)に話してください。: D



さらに、日本語教室や、言語交換(こうかん)イベント(Mundo Lingo)によく参加(さんか)していたので、他(ほか)の国(くに)の人が話す日本語にも慣れています。また、みなさんが言(い)いたいことを想像(そうぞう)するのが得意です。





  • あなたのすきなこと、日本や日本語について聞きたいことを話しましょう。

  • 不自然(ふしぜん)な文章(ぶんしょう)や発音などあれば、より自然な言い方をお伝(つた)えします。

  • テーマを決(き)めて話すことができます。

  • 使(つか)いたい教科書(きょうかしょ)などあれば一緒に勉強することができます! → レッスンの前(まえ)に、使いたい教科書のページの写真(しゃしん)やPDFなどを送(おく)ってください。私は教科書を持(も)っていません。

  • 相談(そうだん)や悩(なや)みがあれば聞きます。

  • お茶(ちゃ)しながら、ごはんを食(た)べながら、レッスンするのもOKです。運転中(うんてんちゅう)のレッスンはやめてください。

  • 日本のニュースを一緒に読めます。

  • 写真(しゃしん)や絵(え)について説明(せつめい)をする練習(れんしゅう)ができます。



★ 私も英語を勉強しているので、他の言語を勉強する大変(たいへん)さはよくわかります。あなたのペース、レベルに合わせてレッスンをしていきます。

























Students' comments

    ・She’s great, easy to talk to, easy to understand
    ・Teacher was great and I had a nice time speaking with her.

Teacher あこ's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.