Yukio's profile

Yukio Sensei

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  • フリートーク
  • Business
  • スピーチ
  • 悩みを聞きます
HobbyBooks Music Sports Outdoors Food Travel News
English LevelUpper-intermediate
You can bookuntil 5時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



 私は、みなさんのメールや報告書、プレゼンテーション資料をより良く添削する、ビジネス日本語のレッスンをしています。私はエンジニアとして37年間、仕事をしました。シンガポールでも二年間、仕事をしましたので、英語でも話せます。エンジニア時代に、学会などでの発表を29回、本や技術雑誌への寄稿を31件、お客様や役員会(board meeting)でのプレゼンテーションをたくさん経験しました。また、部長として多くの文書やプレゼンテーション資料を指導してきました。この経験をもとに、みなさんがビジネスで成功できるように、支援します。添削だけでなく、いろいろな相談もして下さい。
 また、私は、エンジニア時代から、ツアー・ガイド(ボランティア)をし、もう8年間の経験があります。日本人と話をするときや、観光をするときに、日本の歴史や一般常識(common senseを知っていることは、大切ですよね。日本の中学生用のテキストを使って、システマティック(systematic)に、そして観光地も教えます。民俗学(folklore)も得意です。
・先生の資格:日本語教育能力検定試験 合格
 - 年齢:65歳
<みなさんが、できるようになること(Learning outcome)>
・長い文が多いので、読解力がつきます(reading ability)。

Let’s learn Business Japanese and Japanese History?
Hi everyone, I’m Yukio.
 I was an engineer with 37-year experience. I worked at Singapore for two years. While working I made 29 presentations at academic societies and provided 31 papers to books and technology magazines. Of course, I had many presentations for my customers and board meetings. As a senior manager (bucho), I checked and instructed lots of documents including presentation materials. I would like to improve your e-mail, documents and presentation materials based on my experience. It’s “Business Japanese” lesson.
 My different face is a tour guide. I’m eager to contribute foreigners, therefore I started a guide activity after returning to Japan from S’pore. I’ve been a volunteer guide more than 8 years. I’m sure it is very important to understand Japanese history while speaking VIP’s in Japan. Many managers mention it. I would like to tell you Japanese history systematically using a text book for junior high school students. It is a commonsense among Japanese, and I will answer any questions from you.
 I’m looking forward to your contact!
【Instructor’s qualification】
・MBA (Waseda university in Japan)
・Tour guide: National Guide (English) , certified by the Japan Tourism Agency
・Japanese Language Teacher
    - Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services, passed
    - Holder of certificate of the Japanese Language Teacher Training Course (420 hours) approved by the Agency for Cultural Affairs
* Age: 65 years old
【Course content and plan】
1. Business Japanese
・Check and improve your e-mail (internal and external including clients), report or note (internal and academic)/
・Correct and improve your presentation materials (for internal use, for customers and for academic meetings)
・Practice of presentation; I will check your speech and expression.
2. Japanese History
A junior high school textbook is used in this class. It contains many pictures which makes learning more interesting!
You can select the period and the category.
 Period: (1)Ancient, (2)Medieval, (3)Edo period, and so on.
 Category:(1)Politics (Heroes), (2)Culture, (3)Industry, (4)People’s lives
 Which period and category do you want to learn?
・In the first lesson, I would ask why you want to learn Japanese history and what your goals are. I’ll show you the text and the detailed time schedule.
<Course goals of history lesson (Learning outcome)>
  After taking this course, you will be able to:
  - Acquire knowledge about Japanese history same as ordinary Japanese people. Therefore,
   you can understand manga or Japanese culture much more, because you know the background.
  you can improve your Japanese language skills, because you have common sense of history,
- Acquire reading ability, because there are long sentences on the text even the complex ones.
<Special notes for history lesson>
Intermediate Japanese language skill is required to read the textbook. More than N3 (JLPT) is preferable. I’ll support you. If you can read my Japanese text on my top page, then you’ll be fit for this lesson.
・I can support you in English complementary if you need.
・I tell you about tourist attractions that are related to the lesson.
【Time schedule】
・Lessons are held in the afternoon on Sunday, and in the morning and afternoon on Monday (JST). The schedule is updated in the Sunday evening.
   If you want to learn at a different time, don’t hesitate to tell me it. I'll open the class at your convenient time.
Reference: Outline of Japanese history
 Tennou/天皇 became a ruler in the 6th century. The dynasty “Yamato” is still continuing. 
 In 710, Nara became the capital, then Kyoto became the capital in 794

 The power moved to samurai in the 12th century who originally had protected the emperor and nobles. Unhappily, the internal wars occurred in the 15th century, but Tokugawa finally controlled Japan. He was designated as a Shougun in 1603 and the Edo period started. The peacetime lasted more than 250 years. However, western countries made colonies in Asia. The shogunate could not deal with it well, and it ended in 1868.
 Japan struggled to catch up with western countries, and became one of the great powers. But, Japan was defeated completely at the Second World War in 1945. At that time, Japan invaded Asia countries and hurt a lot of people. 

 Although the sovereignty was transferred from the emperor to the people after the war,  the emperor and his family are respected even until now.

Students' comments

    ・Yukio’s lessons are one of the reasons I have not considered other sites. From the perspective of someone holding a doctoral degree, he is a quality instructor and his advanced English and education makes me feel like I am talking to a much more experienced colleague. He comes up with interesting topics about Japanese culture and news, and he helps me translate a lot of words in conversation. If he makes a mistake he immediately corrects it and he always checks himself in difficult translations. He’s very easygoing and not too serious. I would definitely recommend him for someone who wants an English speaker teacher and wants to know their teacher is teaching you the correct terms.

Teacher Yukio's contents

contents list
  • 10分で読(よ)める日本の歴史(れきし) Japanese History
  • やさしい日本語で、日本の歴史(れきし)を説明(せつめい)しました。 【初級(しょきゅう)・中級(ちゅうきゅう)向け】 Outline of Japanese history is written in easy Japanese.   ○ 「みんなの日本語(初級Ⅰ・Ⅱ)」のことばで書(か)いています。 ○ 漢字(かんじ)には、ひらがな(ふりがな)をつけています。 ○ 写真(しゃしん/photos)が14こ、絵(え/picture)が5こあります。たのしいです。   観光地(かんこうち/tourist spots)の写真です。 ○ 日本語で15ページですが、写真や絵がおおいです。10分でよめます。 ○ English version is attached to help your understanding.   さあ、歴史(れきし)を知(し)って、 ○ 旅行(りょこう)をたのしみましょう。 ○ 日本人との会話(かいわ)をたのしみましょう。     【サンプル】 1,700年前(ねんまえ)に、大和(やまと)が、一番(いちばん)強(つよ)い国(くに)になりました。 大和朝廷(やまとちょうてい)(Yamato Dynasty)です。 大和(やまと)は奈良県(ならけん)の昔(むかし)の名前(なまえ)です。 ところで、大和(やまと)の王(おう)は誰(だれ)だったと思(おも)いますか? 天皇(てんのう)です。今(いま)の天皇は126番目(ばんめ)の天皇です。 王(おう)の家(いえ)が続(つづ)いている国(くに)は、めずらしいですね。

Teacher Yukio's schedule



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.