Rei's profile

Rei Sensei

Points you need


  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
HobbyBooks Music Movies Health Cooking Outdoors Food Travel News
English LevelIntermediate
You can bookuntil 3時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


★Notification of Lesson Closed after March of 2023★

My lesson in JapaTalk is going to be closed within March of 2023 until further notice.
I’m very grateful for having had lessons with you that are always inspiring and stimulating. I learnt a lot from your passion of studying Japanese.
I hope to see you again somewhere sometime.
Good luck on your Japanese study!

      I uploaded a short video to introduce my lesson.Check it out!
     I updated my lesson schedule to March 20th.

【About me わたしについて】
・Character 性格(せいかく):  calm おだやか
・My Dialectわたしのほうげん:Hakata (Fukuoka)はかたべん
・My favorites好(す)きなもの: Book, Comic Books, Movie, Travel, Food, Art Museum, Hiking 本(ほん)、マンガ、映画(えいが)、旅行(りょこう)、食べ物(たべもの)、美術館(びじゅつかん)、ハイキング
・I can speak in English, but I hope to speak with you in Japanese as much as I can. On your daily life, what you are troubled, your favorite food or anime, please tell me anything you want to speak (of course, in Japanese). 英語(えいご)を話(はな)すことができますが、なるべくみなさんとは日本語(にほんご)で話したいです。毎日(まいにち)のこと、悩(なや)んでいること、好(す)きなたべものやアニメなど、なんでも話してくださいね。

【About My Lessonわたしのレッスンについて】
Free Conversationフリートーク 
You can decide a topic and start talking. I will listen to your speaking and ask you some questions about the topic. Don’t worry about making mistakes. I can help you to speak correctly. Let’s talk, talk, and talk in Japanese!

Reading Japanese Stories/News 
You can read materials you want to with me. Please tell me what you want to read before the lesson.
E.g. 例(れい)) News Web Easy (NEWS WEB EASY (
             にほんごだどく ( 無料の読みもの – にほんごたどく ( )
Help for Your Homework, Preparing and Reviewing Your Classes with textbooks “Genki I ” or "Minna no Nihongo I&II"教科書(きょうかしょ)『げんき I』か『みんなの日本語I, II』を使(つか)った宿題(しゅくだい)、学校(がっこう)の授業(じゅぎょう)の予習(よしゅう)・復習(ふくしゅう)のお手伝(てつだ)い
I have “Genki I &II”.  I am not able to teach grammars as Japanese schools do, but still I want to help your study as much as I can. Send me the photo(s) of textbook page(s) before your lesson.
わたしは『げんき』Iと『みんなの日本語』I, IIを持(も)っています。授業(じゅぎょう)はできません。でも、みなさんが勉強(べんきょう)する手伝(てつだ)いはできます。レッスンの前(まえ)に勉強したいページの写真(しゃしん)を送(おく)ってください。

★Checking your Japanese writing without conversation 日本語の文章添削(ぶんしょうてんさく)・会話なし
Send me your Japanese writing (Word doc.) via Skype. I will send you back by the time when your lesson is to be finished. No conversation but messages via Skype. (Note:① I will not change your content but check grammatical mistakes and unnatural expressions. ②Depends on the volume of your writing, I may ask you to book my more lessons to finish checking your Japanese. ③ I may not be a professional person to handle the content you write, so please check specific terms and expression by yourself.
Thank you for your understanding.)
書いたにほん日本語の文章をSkypeで送(おく)ってください(Wordのdoc.がいいです)。 予約してくださったレッスンの終了(しゅうりょう)時間までに、添削したデータをWordで返(かえ)します。会話はなく、Skypeのメッセージでやりとりします。(補足(ほそく):①私がチェックするのは文法的なミスや日本語の不自然な表現です。あなたの書いた内容(ないよう)をチェックするわけではありません。②文章の量(りょう)によってはチェックを完了するために、追加(ついか)でレッスンの予約をお願いすることがあります。③私は、あたなの書く内容の専門家(せんもんか)ではないかもしれません。専門用語・表現は自分で確認してください。

【Notice 注意(ちゅうい)】
Please send me deta of your text book's page(s) or your Japanese writing (doc./pdf.) before your lesson, via Skype. We have only 25 min. in a lesson! I need time to check them beforehand. 教科書(きょうかしょ)のページや日本語の文章(ぶんしょう)などは、レッスンの前にWordやPDFで私へ送ってください。1レッスンは25分しかありません。私にも確認する時間が必要です。よろしくお願いします。

Hope to talk with you soon! Have a good day!

Sensei's video

Students' comments

    ・The teacher is very kind. She didn't have trouble understanding my bad Japanese. She would write down words on the chatbox for proper understanding. Her lesson is commendable.
    ・Had another fun talk with teacher Rei. She’s very easy to talk with.
    ・Great lesson! We did self-introductions and talked about our respective lives and hobbies.
    ・ She teaches me as an advanced Japanese speaker, but also my mom, who is more of a beginner. She can adjust to any level and our personalities match really well.
    ・Rei-sensei is kind, understanding and always takes the time to explain extra if necessary, or to add a little extra practise for some concepts. She does not rush anything, which is great!
    ・We had a nice introductory (free) conversation, which Rei-sensei used to improvise a challenging and informative lesson.

Teacher Rei's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.