Momo ( もも)'s profile

Momo ( もも) Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeO型
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyMusic Movies Health Games Collections Cooking Food Travel
English LevelPre-intermediate
You can bookuntil 1時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.


一緒(いっしょ)に 勉強(べんきょう)しましょう!
We study together and keep motivation!

(わたし)は もも(Momo)です。

わたしも 外国語
(たの)しい会話(かいわ)は 記憶(きおく)に残(のこ)ります。

Hi there! This is Momo. I understand that learning another language could challenging. I'm currently learning a foreign language, as well. So, I would like our class to be fun and engaging. Fun conversations could be easily retained in our memory. So, let's have fun and learn many Japanese words and phrases. 

(かのう)な 限(かぎ)り 対応(たいおう)します。
If you have any requests for the lasson, please tell me.I will try as much as possible.
(にほんごきょうし)の資格(しかく)は 持(も)っていませんが、あなたの 日本語(にほんご)が 上達(じょうたつ)するように 私(わたし)も 一緒(いっしょ)に 頑張(がんば)ります!
I'm not a certified Japanese teacher but I will do my best to teach and improve your Japanese skills. 


*フリートーク Free talk 
あなたの 好(す)きなことや、毎日(まいにち)の 出来事(できごと)など、
なんでも 自由
(じゆう)に 話(はな)しましょう。
あなたのペースに 合
(あ)わせて 話(はな)します。
なにを 話
(はな)してよいか 分(わ)からないときは
(わたし)が 質問(しつもん)します。 
Let's talk freely about your favorite things and your daily life. Don't worry I will adjust to your speaking pace and level.
 If you don't have any ideas, it'okay! I'll ask (some) questions and you have to answer them. 

(いろいろ)な トピックで 話 (はな) せるように質問 (しつもん)を 用意(ようい)しています。
I prepared the conversation questions.
(かいわ)に 慣(なれ)れたら 同(おな)じ 質問(しつもん)してください。
If you got used to conversation, please ask me same question!

Yahooニュースや NHKニュースを 
      一緒(いっしょ)に 読(よ)みましょう。

            Let's read news and discuss about it.

今日(きょう)の ニュースや 気(き)になる記事(きじ)(よ)みましょう。
Let's read news and discuss about it. I will use the chatbox in teaching you new words and expression.

please let me know your opinions.
(ひょうげん)や 敬語(けいご)を 学(まな)びましょう。
Let's practis how to use polite expressions and new expressions.

☆初級(しょきゅう)の方(かた)はNHKのNEWS WEB EASYの記事(きじ)を使(つか)います。

一緒(いっしょ)に 本(ほん)を 読(よ)みましょう
Let's read a book together!

あなたの 好(す)きな 本(ほん)を 読(よ)みましょう。 
We'll read your favorite book, learn natural Japanese pronunciation and accent.

① 新しい 単語を 確認しましょう。Let’s check new words.
② 声に出して 文章を 読みましょう。We read the topic aloud.
③ 色々な 表現を 勉強しましょう。 We study many expressions.
④ それぞれの テーマで 意見を 言い合いましょう。Let’s both share our opinions.

*日記(にっき)を 書(か)きましょう!!
Let's write a diary in Japanese.

It's a good way to learn grammar and new words.Please write a diary before our lesson.Let’s check the sentence while talking about our daily life.

(きのう)のこと [過去かこ]・目標(もくひょう)・夢(ゆめ)[未来みらい]・思(おも)ったこと・読(よ)んだ本(ほん)・感(かん)じたこと、一緒(いっしょ)に 新(あたら)しい表現(ひょうげん)を学(まな)びましょう。
Let’s begin with a simple sentence. past tense, future tense, what you felt today,the book that you read today,Let’s learn new expressions.

You can choose casual sentence or polite ones.

If we could talk about our daily life , it would be more fun.


*自己紹介(じこしょうかい) introduction 

私(わたし)は 静岡(しずおか)に 住(す)んでいます。晴(は)れた 日(ひ)は 富士山(ふじさん)を 見(み)ることができます。趣味(しゅみ)は ピアノ、映画鑑賞(えいがかんしょう)、絵(え)を描(か)くことです。
英語(えいご)を 勉強(べんきょう)し始(はじ)めて 二年(にねん)が たち、私(わたし)の 日常(にちじょう)は 大(おお)きく 変(か)わりました。多(おお)くの 外国(がいこく)の 方(かた)と 出会(であ)い、たくさん 話(はな)しました。語学(ごがく)を 勉強(べんきょう)することは、とても難(むずか)しいですが、他(ほか)の 文化(ぶんか)や 考(かんが)え 方(かた) を 知(し)ることはとても 素晴(すば)らしく、興味(きょうみ)深(ぶか)いです。皆(みな)さんと お話(はな)しできることを 楽(たの)しみにしています。
I live in Shizuoka. We can see Mt.Fuji on a fine day.In my free time, I like playing the piano, watching movies and drawing pictures.It has been two years since I began to study English and my life has widely changed. I met many foreigners and talk a lot.
It's very difficult to learn a foreign language, but it is very interesting to know other cultures and ways of thinking.I'm looking forward to talk with you all.

映画(えいが)、ドラマ(アメリカ、韓国(かんこく)、アニメ、ゲームが 大好(だいす)きです。
I like American movies and dramas, Korian dramas ,anime and games!
I also like gadget. Maybe I'm geek! 

Movies・・・・・・・・・・・ MARVEL, GHIBLI, Disney.  
Comics・・・・・・・・・・・ Monster, Master Keaton
好(す)きなゲーム・・・・・・地球防衛軍(ちきゅう ぼうえいぐん)(PS4)
Games・・・・・・・・・・・EARTH DEFENSE FORCE (PS4)

Thank you! I am excited to talk to you ♪

Students' comments

    ・This is really a great way to learn from someone who is a native speaker. I really love the way she teaches and I am going to continue the class monthly.
    ・Excellent lesson!
    ・I am very satisfied with our lesson today. It was really fun and great. She helped me improve my Japanese in any way that she can.
    ・I love how Teacher Momo is eager to help me learn Japanese. Even though I am not that fluent yet, she understands what I am saying and gives suggestion on how to say it in another way which is really great because it really helps improve my Japanese.
    ・Momo-san was very helpful. She was able to assist me, was very patient, and help me learn very well.
    ・I enjoyed the lesson, the teacher was very genki and we had a good time talking using some materials she prepared.
    ・Momo was kind and corrected me when I made mistakes. She also wrote down words I didn't know. Great lesson!

Teacher Momo ( もも)'s schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.