Mariya's profile

Mariya Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeB型
Birthday1992年12月27日(日) age:32
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • for Kids
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Health Games Sports Collections Cooking Outdoors Food Travel Animals News
Japanese Conversation Test examinerExpert 1st grade 2nd grade or lower
English LevelIntermediate
You can bookuntil 1時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



I won First place at the Japanese text contest 2021.
2021年 日本語教材コンテスト 第1位  受賞!



I was awarded a special prize at the Japanese text contest 2020.
2020年 日本語教材コンテスト特別賞 受賞

Thank you very much for always taking Japatalk lessons!

Holiday Sale! Now discounted from 1000pts → 850 pts!

#Please take a look at my self-introduction video on YouTube!



What's your concern?

I want to practice daily conversation with Japanese people at my convenient time.

I want to have conversation practice on the same schedule.

I want to improve my child's Japanese conversation skills.

I want to  learn  basic Japanese necessary for traveling.

I want to pass tests like JLPT.

I also want to learn about grammar and pronunciation.

I want to learn about Kansai dialect, honorifics, and Japanese culture/tourist attractions!

I want useful textbooks.

 I want to talk to a nurse! (I am a Japanese teacher and also a nurse.)

Your concerns will be solved by Mariya!

Who is Mariya? 
Mariya って どんな 人?

I was born in Osaka.
★ I can teach Kansai dialect!

I love spending a day off watching anime and drinking beer!

●10年間 看護師(かんごし)をしている
I have been a nurse for 10 years.

Specialties: calligraphy, teaching Japanese

Hobbies: scuba diving, playing the ukulele

I have lived in Australia and Canada before.

Languages: English and Chinese

●50人以上が参加するLanguage exchange event の 
I have experience organizing international events with over 50 participants.

Please let us know if you have a request
 for another lesson date and time



Sensei's video

Students' comments

    ・Mariya is very friendly and understands how to teach in a way that will help you specifically. I learned many new words and phrases and more importantly how to use them in a real conversation.
    ・Teacher’s smile looked so kind. She taught me a lot today. She could also adjust her speaking pace for me to understand.
    ・Mariya Sensei smartly accommodates to my low knowledge, keeping the conversation enjoyable and useful for my learning process
    ・mariya 先生はどの先生よりも優しく、可愛く、文法が上手、そしていろんな表現を知っています。いつも会話が楽しいです。
    ・It was a wonderful lesson. The teacher was very warm and accommodating.
    ・I found Mariya-sensei to be quite pleasant, genial, and enthusiastic. She made sure to ask questions in order to tailor the lesson to my goals. She gave me a useful tip for learning words (probably one that I’d never heard of before). Would book again.
    ・Mariya sensei is very good at conducting role play that resembles everyday situations, which is important as it makes you think on the spot. She is also very strong at providing a lot of feedback so that you can learn from your mistakes and make your Japanese sound more natural!

Teacher Mariya's contents

contents list
  • 【グループレッスン 50分 Group Lesson 50min.】
  • 【日本時間 2月3日 10AM 】 第(だい)1回目(いっかいめ)なので 特別(とくべつ)安い(やすい)です! [February 3rd, 10:00 AM Japan Time] It's the first edition, so we're currently running a special discount campaign! English sentences come after Japanese ______________________________ 【グループレッスン 50分】 ○テーマ N4〜N3の お話(はなし)を みんなで 読(よ)もう! ○できるようになること いっしょに日本語を勉強(べんきょう)する 友達(ともだち)を つくりましょう! ひとりで勉強することがおもしろくないと思う人は、 みんなで楽(たの)しく 話しましょう! ほかの日本語の学生(がくせい)と お話して、 新しい単語(たんご)や いろんな国の文化(ぶんか)を学ぶことができます! ______________________________ 【Group Lesson 50-min 】 ○ Theme We'll read stories together ranging from N4 to N3 levels. ○ Goals Let's make friends to study Japanese together! For those who find studying alone less enjoyable, let's have fun discussions together! Talking with fellow Japanese learners allows us to learn new expressions and explore cultures from various countries! ______________________________ ○レッスンの 計画(けいかく) ①5分 まずは 少(すこ)しだけ 自己紹介(じこしょうかい)を しましょう   ②20分 N4/N3くらいのレベルの単語(たんご)や 文法(ぶんぽう)を 使(つか)った お話(はなし)を 読(よ)みましょう。 ③25分 大事(だいじ)な 単語や文法を紹介(しょうかい)します。 質問(しつもん)もOKです! みんなでテーマトークやフリートークをする時(とき)もあります♪ 。*⑅୨୧┈┈┈┈プレゼント┈┈┈┈┈୨୧⑅*。 レッスン中に話した単語や文法をまとめたデータをもらえます! ______________________________ ○ Lesson Flow ① 5 minutes Let's start with a brief self-introduction. ② 20 minutes Read a story using N4 〜N3 vocabulary and grammar. ③ 25 minutes I'll introduce important words and grammar. Q & A We might also have a theme talk or free talk together! ______________________________ 。*⑅୨୧┈┈┈┈Gift ┈┈┈┈┈୨୧⑅*。 You will receive a summary of the words and grammar discussed during the lesson! ______________________________ みなさんと 会うことを 楽しみに しています!!! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!!

Teacher Mariya's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.