Aya's profile

Aya Sensei

Points you need


  • フリートーク
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyMusic Movies TV Health Sports Cooking Food Travel
Japanese Conversation Test examinerExpert 1st grade 2nd grade or lower
You can bookuntil 1時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



* おしらせ * Notice *(Update May 13th)


これからもみなさんが楽(たの)しく日本語(にほんご)を話(はな)す お手伝(てつだ)いができるように、がんばります(^^)
(レッスンの感想(かんそう)を くださる 皆(みな)さま、ありがとうございます。励(はげ)みになります!)

I have had more than 100 lessons on Japatalk.Thank you all.
I'm going to do my best to help you enjoy speaking Japanese :)
(Thank you to everyone who gives me feedback on my lessons. It's very encouraging!)


私(わたし)の名前(なまえ)は、あや です。

Nice to meet you, everyone! My name is Aya.


Sorry, I can't translate.​

I am not a qualified Japanese language teacher.

You can book my lessons up to an hour in advance. Feel free to book lessons.
(Lessons may be opened/closed at the last minute. Please be aware of this.)



I can speak English a little.
※I can't teach in English.I can speak English just a little,sorry!

Please talk with me like your friends!
Let’s enjoy speaking Japanese :)


From easy Japanese to business Japanese
I will speak to you in Japanese at your requested level of difficulty.
Please let me know your goals for learning Japanese and any requests you may have for speaking speed.





約(やく)4年間(ねんかん)、 日本の企業(きぎょう)で秘書(ひしょ)や受付(うけつけ)の仕事をしていました。

I live in Kansai region, Japan and of course I am Japanese!
I am 29 years old.
After graduating university,
I was working as a secretary and a receptionist in Japanese companies for about 4 years.

 I have secretary qualification.
(Secretarial skill proficiency test, Pre-1st Grade)


I have childcare qualifications.I welcome lessons for children.


・言葉遣い(ことばづかい)が大切(たいせつ)な仕事をしていたので、 丁寧(ていねい)な日本語を教えることができます
I've done work in which wording is important, so I can teach you polite Japanese.
I'm also good at using respectful and humble words!

・秘書(ひしょ)の資格を持っているので、 日本のビジネスマナーについても聞いてくださいね。
I have a secretary qualification, so please ask about Japanese business etiquette.

Of course, practicing Japanese like friends are also welcome!
Please tell me about yourselves in Japanese.

I can also teach the Kansai dialect.


私は旅行(りょこう)がだいすきで、 これまでに10か国以上(こくいじょう)に行(い)きました!
I love traveling. I have traveled to more than 10 countries around the world!

映画(えいが)やドラマを見(み)たり、料理(りょうり)をすること、 家(いえ)でヨガをすることも好(す)きです。
I also like watching movies and English TV series, cooking, and doing yoga in my home.


-About my lessons-

 わたし と いっしょ に れんしゅう を たのしみ ましょう!

1.フリートーク -Free conversation-


Please feel free to talk about anything as much as you want!
For example, your favorite movies, hobbies, Japanese foods, Japanese culture ..etc.

2.シチュエーショントーク -Situation talk-


Please feel free to let me know what kind of Japanese conversation you would like to practice.
For example at work, shops, restaurants..etc.

3.ニュースを使(つか)う -Lesson with Internet News-


You read the news and practice pronunciation and think about the meaning. We also discuss the news content. 
Alternatively, you can practice listening to the news as I read it.

4.丁寧(ていねい)な日本語、ビジネスの日本語 -Polite way to talk / business Japanese-

丁寧な日本語や、 ビジネスシーンで使(つか)われる日本語を教えることができます。

I can teach you polite Japanese and business Japanese because I was working as a secretary and a receptionist,

5.関西弁(かんさいべん) -Kansai dialect-


I am a native speaker of Kansai dialect.
I hope you enjoy the difference from standard Japanese!

6.子ども向けレッスン -Lessons for children-

こどもたちと おはなしするのも だいすきです。
たのしく おはなし しましょう♪


・え や しゃしん をみながら おはなししよう!
(どんな いろ かな? これ は なんていう なまえ かな?)
・せんせい の いうこと を くりかえしてみよう!

・じぶん の すきなもの、すきなこと について おはなししてみよう!
・にほんの てあそび うた を うたってみよう♪
(「むすんでひらいて」 や 「あたま かた ひざ ぽん」♪のおうた、しっているかな?たのしく からだも うごかそう!)

I love to talk with children.
Let's enjoy speaking Japanese!


I can change the speed to talk as your wish.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me anytime. 

Please feel free to request what kind of lessons you like to have!


I'm looking forward to talking with you.
Thank you!

Students' comments

    ・very lively personality, goes with your pace, correct mistakes in no time.
    ・the good part is she corrects then and there as you commits mistakes.
    ・Aya taught me patiently and I came away with some useful new vocabulary. She's a great teacher.

Teacher Aya's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.