しん's profile

しん Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeA型
  • フリートーク
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyMusic Movies TV Health Sports Cooking Outdoors Food Travel Animals News
English LevelPre-intermediate
You can bookuntil 35分 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



はじめまして!わたしの名前は しん と いいます。★
I can teach you "Kansai dialect" and "Kyushu dialect"!
【自己紹介(じこしょうかい)】About Me...
(わたし)は、熊本県(くまもとけん)で 生(う)まれ 育(そだ)ちました。そこは 日本(にほん)の 南部(なんぶ)にある 九州地方(きゅうしゅうちほう)の 真(ま)ん中(なか)に あります。
とても 田舎(いなか)で 、子供(こども)のころには川(かわ)で 泳(およ)いだり、山(やま)へ 行(い)ったり、野生(やせい)の 果物(くだもの)を 食(た)べたりしていました。
その後()仕事しごとのために 大阪市(おおさかし)に 移り住(す)んでいました。
ここは、買い物(かいもの)や 食事(しょくじ)を するところが たくさんあり、便利(べんり)で 快適(かいてき)です。
大阪(おおさか)には 美味(おい)しい食べ物(たべもの)や、楽(たの)しい文化(ぶんか)が 沢山(たくさん)あります。京都や神戸へ電車で30分ほどで行くことが出来るのも とても気(き)に入(い)っています。

スマートフォンのカメラを使(つか)って写真(しゃしん)を 撮(と)ること。
普段(ふだん)から食べ物(たべもの)や 風景(ふうけい)を 撮影(さつえい)してます。夕日(ゆうひ)や 海(うみ)、夜景(やけい)が 特(とく)に 好(す)きです。

スポーツ(すぽーつ)は 得意(とくい)では ありませんが、健康(けんこう)のために 家(いえ)の 近(ちか)くの 河川敷(かせんしき)で、ジョギング(じょぎんぐ)
散歩(さんぽ)をしたり、自転車(じてんしゃ)で 出(で)かけることもします。


★ Hi, Everyone! I'm teacher Shin
I can teach you "Kansai dialect" and "Kyushu dialect"! 
【 Self-Introduction 】
I was born and raised in Kumamoto.It is located in the middle of the Kyushu region in the southern part of Japan.
There was great nature in the countryside, I was swimming in rivers, going to mountains and eating wild fruits.haha
I am currently living and working in Osaka. Here is a big city different from my hometown.
I've lived for nearly 30 years, I find shopping and eating everywhere, so life is more convenient and comfortable now.
I like Osaka because there are many delicious foods and lots of fun culture in Osaka.
I like to take pictures, so I usually take pictures of food and scenery. I especially like the sunset, the sea and the night view.
Recently, I am trying to create a video using an application. I want to make it interesting, but I can't quite make it.
If anyone knows the trick, please let me know.
On holidays, I go to Kyoto to see historic buildings such as shrines and temples, and go to Hyogo Prefecture for dining, sightseeing, and hiking.
One of the reasons why I like living here is that it takes about 30 minutes to get to various sightseeing spots by train.Of course, I don't forget to take a photo!
I'm not good at sports, but for the sake of my health I often go jogging, walking or biking along the river near my house.
Please let me know what you like to do, too!! 
I'm looking forward  to seeing you☆

授業(じゅぎょう)に ついて   About Lesson ■
Most of the students want free talk to improve their conversation skills.

・「これをしたい」という 希望(きぼう)を 教えてください。
・わからないことは、気軽(きがる)に 質問(しつもん)してくださいね!

・Every lessons are flexible according to student’s level or target.
・You can ask me anything if you have questions or doubts.
Feel free to ask me any questions!
・Feel relax in a café, enjoy a drink and a conversation.

最初(さいしょ)の レッスン(れっすん)では、フリートーク(ふりーとーく)を しましょう。
それから、次(つぎ)に 何(なに)をしたいかを 決(き)めましょう。
~ テーマ(てーま)~

We'll have a free talk in the first lesson and then we decide what we want to do.
~ Theme ~
Travel,Traffic,Shopping,Restaurant,Eating and Cooking,Bisiness,Interview Etc...

もし、にほんご の べんきょう の やりかた が わからなければ、あいさつ から 、かんたんなかいわをはじめましょう。
もちろん、ぶんぽう も べんきょう します。
わからない ことば を ていねい に せつめい します。

■Beginner's leson
If you don't know how to study Japanese, let's begin with a basic Japanese at first.
 From basic to simple conversations! Of course, we also study grammar!

日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)や、文法(ぶんぽう)、漢字(かんじ)、敬語(けいご)の 勉強(べんきょう)、長文(ちょうぶん)を 読(よ)む。
(たと)えば、最近(さいきん)の ニュースを 読(よ)んだり、好(す)きな本(ほん)を 読(よ)みましょう。

~Intermediate lesson~
You can choice,
Daily coversation, Grammar,  Reading comprehension(News, Book)etc...
And I also do pronunciation correction.



Feel free to book my lesson♪

(わたし)は 英語(えいご)の レッスン(れっすん)の時(とき)は、分(わ)からない事(こと)が たくさんあります。
みなさんも 不安(ふあん)にならず 会話(かいわ)を 楽(たの)しみましょう♪

It's natural that you can't speak because you don't grow up in Japanese.
I can't speak the language of your country either. Feel free to speak Japanese and speak anything.

Let's enjoy Japanese conversation!
I'm looking forward  to seeing you☆

Students' comments

    ・シン先生 was very kind and practiced the grammar that I wanted to practice!
    ・Shin was so kind and understanding to my needs. I will keep learning input and practice my speaking. Motivated thank you.
    ・I feel very comfortable to speak and learn Japanese speaking Shin Sensei! You made all efforts to help me according to my level of Japanese . Thank you !
    ・Her pronunciation is easy to understand. She is a kind teacher.
    ・Easy to talk to and helpful
    ・Very professional, patient and kind. Repeated key phrases and made useful notes.
    ・Nice teacher!
    ・Very professional teacher, great learning experience!! Thank you Shin sensei!
    ・easy talking in Japanese, fun, open mind, naturel, good person!
    ・It was a pleasant introductory conversation, deftly guided by Shin-sensei. The time passed very quickly.
    ・We touched on the Osaka and Kyoto dialects for a little while – and I was able to recount the moment when I heard the Osaka dialect for the first time – which was nice.
    ・She is very kind and understanding!

Teacher しん's schedule



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  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.