Kaori's profile

Kaori Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeB型
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • スピーチ
  • 会話上達
  • 方言(Dialect)
  • 悩みを聞きます
  • ながらトーク
HobbyBooks Music Movies TV Health Sports Cooking Outdoors Food Travel News
Japanese Conversation Test examiner2nd grade or lower
English LevelPre-intermediate
You can bookuntil 9時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.




Hello, everyone! I'm Kaori.

わたしの クラスに 来てくださり ありがとうございます
Thank you very much for coming to my class.

わたしの レッスンでは 明るく あたたかい レッスンで 初心者(しょしんしゃ)のかたでも わかるように ていねいに せつめい します
Cheerful and warm class with detailed explanations that even beginners can understand.

まちがいを おそれずに はなして ください
Don’t be afraid of mistake.

日本語が むずかしい ときは、やさしい 日本語で わかるまで せつめい します
英語(えいご)で せつめいも できますが、英語は 完璧(かんぺき)では ありません

If you find Japanese difficult, I will try my best to explain in easy Japanese until you understand.
I can also explain in English, but my English is not at a native level.

スカイプの chat boxを つかって むずかしい 日本語は やさしい日本語に まちがっている 日本語は(ただしい 日本語に なおします
Alos. by using the Skype chat box, I will transrate complecated Japanese into easy Japanese and incorrect Japanese into correct Japanese, for effective lesson.

私は 日本語教師(きょうし)の 資格(しかく)を 持っています
そして 日本語学校の 先生 です。

I'm certified Japanese language teacher.
And I am also a teacher at a Japanese language school.

レッスンで みなさんに 会えるのを 楽しみに しています!
I'm looking forward to seeing you!

【わたしの 授業(じゅぎょう)】My class

◎フリートーク → 話(はな)すのが 苦手(にがて)な人も だいじょうぶ!!
 Free conversation → No problem if you are not good at speaking or biginner student!!

◎教材(きょうざい)を つかった レッスン Use some text books. 人気です!
みんなの日本語 初級ⅠとⅡ (Minna no Nihongo Elementary Japanese ⅠⅡ)
大地 初級①と②( Daichi Elementary 1,2)
上級(じょうきゅう)へのとびら (Tobira Gateway To Advanced Japanese)
学ぼう!日本語 中上級 (Manabou! Nihongo Chujyokyu)

◎JLPT試験対策 N1~N5 JLPT N1-N5 test-preparation
Using the text 日本語能力試験問題集 "スピードマスター” 

If you want to use any other text book, let me know please!

◎日本のニュースを読む レッスン → NHK NEWS WEB EASY を 読みます 人気です!
Reading Japanese news with easy Japanese → Using "NHK NEWS WEB EASY"


◎ビジネス会話&ビジネス文書やメール 人気です!
Business conversation,mail and document
仕事での日本語コミュニケーションをもっと良くしたい人、中級レベル以上のかたにおすすめです。日本語での会話やメールで困ったという経験はありませんか? ビジネス会話やメールの書き方など、基本から応用までレベルに応じてしっかりと勉強します。また、日本の文化や習慣に根付いた言い回しなどについても、よくある場面を例に学んでいきます。1,2回ではなく継続(けいぞく)してレッスンすることをおすすめしています。
・しごとの日本語  メールの書き方編
・人を動かす!実戦ビジネス 日本語会話(上級)

grammar lesson  

◎敬語(けいご)レッスン honorific lesson

◎職場(しょくば)、学校(がっこう)、病院(びょういん)、地域(ちいき)など でのコミュニケーション会話(かいわ)
 Dairy conversation in your office,school,hospital and living area etc...

Describing pictures lesson

◎学校(がっこう)で 勉強した 日本語の 復習(ふくしゅう)

 Review what you studied Japanese at your school

◎日本語 初心者(しょしんしゃ)のための 旅行(りょこう)会話 
 Travel conversation for biginner

If you have any request,let me know the detail please!

【わたしに ついて】My introduce


住んでいる場所:横浜市(Yokohama city)
出身(しゅっしん):神戸市(Kobe city)

I have been working as a consultant of international exchange since I stayed in Canada for 1 year on working holiday.
I had been watching for many years through Japanese students the difficulty of speaking foreign language and understanding cultures for the first time going abroad. Also watched lots of smiles and such a sense of accomplishment when they were able to communicate with the language.
My next plan is to support people who would like to study Japanese or know more about Japan because I can learn as well through teaching.
If you are elementary level, come in my class! Cheerful and warm class with straight forward teaching in my class. Don’t be afraid of mistake.
I would like to introduce about Japanese culture too because you will be more fun!
Enjoy with smile!

Students' comments

    ・Kaori is a great teacher and I look forward to taking more lessons with her.
    ・This is the first time taking her lesson. She is fun, structured and informative, I will definitely continue my learning journey with her.
    ・Excellent lesson. Kaori sensei is very bright, cheerful, kind, and helpful. The lesson provided me with an excellent opportunity to practice my listening and speaking skills, and I was able to get some new vocabulary to help me speak more clearly.
    ・She is very experience in teaching Japanese, especially helping me understand the subtle difference between similar words, phrases and how to them properly. My Japanese writing skill has been improved a lot since taking her lessons. I have no hesitation in recommending Kaori sensei to anyone who is serious about learning Japanese.
    ・Kaori-sensei is very kind but also pushes me.
    ・I always found it difficult to define what I need to learn. Kaori sensei quickly figured out my Japanese level and understood my learning needs.
    ・Very good. She listened, was very patient and taught me new vocabulary right away.
    ・The class is promising. Will try further
    ・She's really good and patient. She really tries to help you learn.
    ・Great Teacher!
    ・Kaori-sensei is very bright, interesting, and helpful. She provides great feedback and useful vocabulary. Highly recommended!
    ・Vey good lesson. Kaori-sensei is very helpful and kind
    ・Good feedback and error correction.
    ・Kaori sensei is truly delightful, and is really good at providing helpful words and phrases to keep the conversation moving!
    ・Kaori sensei is patient and kind.
    ・I had a really interesting Kanji practice lesson. Kaori sensei was so kind and helped me to improve my Kanji reading skills to the next level. I'm looking forward for the next lesson.
    ・I'm incredibly grateful for the invaluable practice sessions with Kaori Sensei to prepare for the JLPT N2 test. Her guidance significantly boosted my Kanji and vocabulary proficiency within a remarkably short timeframe. Highly recommend!

Teacher Kaori's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.