Sakura C.'s profile

Sakura C. Sensei

Points you need


Blood TypeAB型
  • フリートーク
  • 文法(Grammar)
  • 発音(Pronunciation)
  • Business
  • JLPT
  • 作文(Essay)
  • 日本語センス(Cultivate Japanese sense)
  • for Kids
  • 敬語(Keigo)
  • 会話上達
  • 悩みを聞きます
HobbyMusic Movies TV Health Cooking Outdoors Food Travel Animals News
English LevelIntermediate
You can bookuntil 24時間 before the lesson
*All of our teachers are native Japanese speakers.



※Notification of Maternity Leave※
I'm going to take maternity leave from 1st December. I am planning to return to Japatalk in April 2024. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
It’s been almost 4 years since I started teaching on Japatalk. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time even during the pandemic and I am especially grateful to have met each one of you.
Thank you again, and best of luck in all your future!

日本(にほん)うまれの、日本そだち。英語(えいご) と スペイン語(すぺいんご) を 話します。日本では、 小学校(しょうがっこう) の 先生(せんせい) を していました。 国語(こくご)、音楽(おんがく)、図画工作(ずがこうさく)、書道(しょどう)を 教(おし)える のが 好(す)き です。外国(がいこく) の お客(きゃく)さんむけの 不動産会社(ふどうさんがいしゃ) でも はたらいて いました。今(いま)は スペイン に 住(す)んで います。
いっしょに 楽(たの)しく 日本語(にほんご) を 話(はな)しましょう!

Hello! My name is Sakura!

I was born and grew up in Japan. I speak English(conversational) and Spanish(basic). I used to work as an elementary school teacher in Japan. I like teaching Japanese, Music, Art and Caligraphy. Recently I was working in a real estate company for foreign customers. Currently I am living in Spain.
I look forward to talking with you!

It's been 3 years since I started teaching online. I have finished 6000 lessons already!(including online lessons from aother website) Thank you very much!


○●○What I Can Teach○●○
[外国籍・海外在住のお子様向け] キッズ日本語
For children who live in abroad and don't have a chance to use Japanese. Let's sing Japanese songs and play word games to learn  Japanese. Since I used to work in a Japanese elementary school, I have confidence in teaching children. 
※Please let me know age of your child and what kind of level he/she has. 

フリートーク Free Talk
あなたが 話(はな)したいこと について、 自然(しぜん)な 日本語で 話しましょう。教科書(きょうかしょ) に のっている 日本語 ではなく、 日本人(にほんじん) が 実際(じっさい)に 話している 生(い)きた 日本語を 学(まな)び ましょう!
Focuisng on a natural Japanese, let's start a conversation about whatever you would like to talk. I hope you can practice actual Japanese which is not on your textbook but Japanese people use in a daily life!

テーマトーク Theme Talk
アニメ、映画(えいが)、食べ物(たべもの)、旅行(りょこう)、家族(かぞく)、趣味(しゅみ)など、あなたが 好きなこと について お話し しましょう!テーマが 思(おも)いつかない ときは、かんたんな 質問(しつもん)から はじめます!
We can talk about whatever you are interested in, such as Japanese Animes, Movies, Food, Travel, Family, Hobby...etc. If you haven't got any theme, please let me know. I would be happy to start with some questions!

Role-play シチュエーショントーク
電話(でんわ)をかける、買い物(かいもの)をする、面接(めんせつ)を 受ける(うける)、 敬語(けいご)で 話すなど、実際(じっさい)に 日本で 暮(く)らして  いくときに、役に立つ(やくにたつ)日本語を 練習(れんしゅう) しましょう。
Let's try a role-play such as phone call, shopping, job interview, and using Keigo... etc. You can pracitice useful phrases to live in Japan.

Vocabulary & Pronunciation Game ごいりょくアップゲーム
日本の 言葉あそび、「しりとり」と「連想(れんそう)ゲーム」を しながら 語彙力(ごいりょく)アップ(あっぷ)!あなたが 知(し)っている 言葉 を 復習(ふくしゅう)し、新(あたら)しい 言葉 を 覚(おぼ)えましょう。
Let's play Japanese word game 'Shiritori' and 'Renso Game' to expand your vocabulary! You can review the words you already know.

Business & Advanced Level ビジネス&上級レベル


折り紙(おりがみ)や 日本の童謡(どうよう)、季節(きせつ)の行事(ぎょうじ)を 教(おし)えるのも 得意(とくい)です。これから東京(とうきょう)に引っ越す(ひっこす)予定(よてい)の方(かた)には、旅行(りょこう)や お部屋探し(おへやさがし)の アドバイスもできます。
I would be happy to teach you Origami, Japanese Traditional Songs, and seasonal events too. If you are plannning to go to Tokyo, I can give you some travel tips or housing advice.

I am quite flexible about lesson style, so please feel free to inquire what you would like to learn.

※I don't teach adult students who don't read Hiragana.

○●○About Me○●○

広島大学教育学部 卒業
公立小学校 正規職員 3年
外国籍向け不動産 一般賃貸営業 3年

Bachelor of Elementary Education / Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan 

Full Time Teacher in a Public Elementary School for 3 years / Fukuoka, Japan
Realtor in a Real Estate Company for Foreign Customers / Tokyo, Japan 
English Studying Program / London, England 
Educational Volunteer / South America

英語‐日常会話レベル TOEIC 835点 英検 準1級
スペイン語‐初級 DELE B1
English-Conversational TOEIC 835, EIKEN Pre-1 Grade
Spanish-Basic, DELE nivel B1

Teaching License for Kindergarden and Elementary School
English Teaching License for Junior High School and High School

Students' comments

    ・Sakura was very helpful and diligently took notes for the entire lesson so that I could review afterwards. She can speak English very well, too!
    ・very clear and good teacher

Teacher Sakura C.'s schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • The timezone is set in the time above the calendar.
    You can set your time zone at Edit profile page.
  • 24-hour notation

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.