Practice Writing by Journaling in Japanese! シンプル日記で新習慣をつけよう

Are you in the habit of writing? I recommend improving your Japanese by writing a journal or planner! By writing just a few simple lines you can learn useful phrases and vocabulary in Japanese which are relevant to you!

By writing a journal and having it corrected you are essentially creating your own learning resources!
Your Japanese will improve faster through both writing and speaking!
Writing in Japanese can be a daunting task, so start off slowly with just 3 lines (a day)! You’ll be surprised how even a simple sentence can be expressed in many different ways. I’ll give you synonyms and show you how to express yourself naturally in a way that actual Japanese people do.


One lesson850pt
You can bookuntil 3時間 before.

Lesson Description

This Lesson is good for:
▷Being able to use Japanese properly in writing. 


▷Mastering natural Japanese expressions by writing.


▷Increasing vocabulary


▷Expressing yourself in your own way with confidence in Japanese.


What should I write?

【For example】

①Planning, to-do list etc…/行動記録(こうどうきろく)


②Journaling, diary, thoughts, ideas / 気持ちや感想 (きもちやかんそう)


③Writing about your interests / 好きなことログ(すきなことろぐ)


How will we study?

・Write a journal or something like in (①~③)and send it to me via Skype’s chat box before the lesson.


・I’ll correct your writing so that it sounds natural in Japanese, as well as answer any questions you have during the lesson.



【Collection Example:添削例(てんさくれい)】

<Example of  a student’s writing>



CHECK1:お休みしました or 休みました





CHECK2:普段にから→普段から(natural Japanese)普段から→もともと/いつも

POINT:ようやく=やっと (finally)


Writing about ‘the everyday’ is a practical way to see what words and phrases you use often, and you can learn how to say them in Japanese. Being able to communicate your thoughts and feelings is important for building connections with Japanese people. Let your personality shine!

(にちじょう/ふだんのせいかつなど をもじにするのは、わたしたちがよくつかうたんごやフレーズがたくさんでてくるのでつかえることばがおおく、とてもべんきょうになります。くりかえしかくうちに、あなたがよくつかうことばやひつようなことばもわかってくるでしょう。たくさんあるにほんごひょうげんのなかから、あなたにとってべすとなものをえらんでいきましょう!)

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon!

Your teacher:AIKO(Professional Editor & Writer for magazines/books)


Teacher AIKO's schedule



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  • mark shows that the booking slot is open. Please click the mark for booking.
  • 24-hour notation

Teacher AIKO's other lessons

集中的かつ持続的に日本語能力を上げたい人向けのレッスンです。 そのため、このレッスンに限り「同日1人2レッスンまで」のレッスン制限はありません。一度にたくさんレッスンをしたい方は、こちらを選択してください。 期限が決まっている場合は、期限内に集中してレッスンを行います。 集中型レッスンの内容(やること)は、生徒さんに決めていただきます。 課題やプロジェクト、勉強したい資料などは必ずご持参ください。 This lesson is for student who want concentrate on their work regularly and intensively. Therefore, only for this lesson, there is no limit of "up to 2 lessons per person on the same day". If you want to take many lessons at once, please choose this lesson too. Please make sure to bring your assignment or work you want to do in this lesson. Thank you.

Teacher AIKO

毎週、決まった曜日にレッスンしたい人はここから予約してください。 *予約はリピーター限定です。 *希望の曜日と時間が選べないこともあります。初めての方は「レギュラーレッスン(650pt)」を選択してから、直接ご相談ください。

Teacher AIKO

レッスンだけじゃ足りない! ちゃんと身につけたい人向けの「feedback」付きレッスンです。 私のスペシャルレッスンは「会話」を中心におこない、レッスン後にレポート(feedback)を送るので、レッスンに集中することができます。 Are you satisfied with Live lesson only? You can get main point of our lesson via feedback I send you after lesson. I tell you not only something you need but also related useful phrase, vocabulary and etc on the report (feedback).

Teacher AIKO

Booking Confirmation

*If you cancel this booking, you will lose your points because the free cancellation time - of 24 hours before the lesson - has already passed.